Saturday, May 4, 2024

Family time...42º cloudy/sunny

This week has been spent working, playing, cooking and talking...Both of my kids are here and we make the most of out days together...That being said, blogs are few and far between.

Remember, voting day is right around the corner, please vote, so we can have a working judge for the next 6 years...Hugs To All....OWAV:)

Team Work

Filling garden beds.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Spring Tonic...37º

We spent the morning digging, transplanting, pulling weeds, cleaning out flower beds...After many years of having rhubarb take up space in the veggie garden, I moved it crossed the road to fend for itself...It flourishes every year, no added fertilizer, no special watering, every spring it grows big fat yummy stalks...Herbs Dad, "Grampa Allen" called it "spring tonic." He simmered it into a sauce and had it many mornings along with his breakfast cereal or slices of toasted homemade bread.

Yesterday Rusty pulled stalks, thinning out the plant so it will grow more...Instead of sauce, we had rhubarb pie with our dinner of meatloaf, rice pilaf and asparagus...They were all delicious!..Will it be leftover pie for breakfast or bacon and eggs?  Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Rhubarb custard pie, add
a dollop of ice cream.
"Spring Tonic"

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Information on capital gains,,, yard sale, brunch,,, 40º cloudy.

 An early morning meeting, as we wade through the legalities of gifting, selling, capital gains, tax consequences, old laws, new laws etc...Decisions, decisions, makes my tummy hurt and my head spin...Breath deep, Idella.

From there we went to an estate sale, in a torrential downpour, lucky it was inside!..I wander through the house, maybe 4000 sq.ft. and wonder about the people, now deceased, who's possessions are up for sale...I wonder, "Did they have a good life?" A big house and expensive furnishings do not guarantee that...Whoa, how did I get off on that track?

I bought 3 boxes of wide mouth lids, for canning, and Rusty scored with an almost new pair of $150.00 insulated boots for $40.00...The rain stopped and we decided to stop at the local cafe for a late breakfast...Biscuits and gravy sounded good and had been recommended  by friends, only so so.

Rusty spent the rest of his day, at his house, insulating a north wall, and I worked on insurance claims for April, UGH...Later we ate, chicken strips, asparagus and leftover mashed potatoes, better than anything we've had at a cafe!..We did see and visit with old friends, that was good!...Hugs To All... OWAV:)

PS...Snow is forecast for Monday..

Gardens and lawn, 
love the rain.

Trees are just starting
to leaf out.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

A Friendly Reminder...Sunny/Cloudy 38º

 A reminder to all, the race for Judge is only a few weeks away...I know many of you don't buy or read the Wallowa County Chieftain, but it might be a good idea to beg, borrow or buy for a few weeks to keep up on the race for Judge...More information comes out each week in both the Observer and the Chieftain...Be an informed voter!

On the home front, Rusty has two more garden boxes made and I hope to work on staining the fence today...I think it is our last warmish day this week... Hugs to All...OWAV:)

A taco to be eaten with a fork.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Second Day or Productivity...36º partly sunny, high of 60º

 Hoping for day 2 of getting things done...Rusty finished 2 of the new garden beds, that will be planted with potatoes...He will work on others today for the rest of the garden, leaving the garlic bed until we harvest it in late July. 

Boards are cottonwood
that Rusty milled.
Lots of digging and shoveling.
and leveling.

I can't help him with that project so he set me up with a tray and roller to stain the fence on the South side of the property...Herb built (I designed) the fence in 2002 and it still looks good, but needed to be stained again...I did about 3/4 of one side and want to finish that side today and the rest of it this week...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Property line fence.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Productive/Resting day...38º Cloudy

 It was an incredibly beautiful day yesterday, just the right temperature for walking, sitting on the deck, mowing the lawn and going for a ride...I did all of the above.

Rusty was back from a four day trip to Jim Creek, volunteering for the Forest Service...He said they worked hard, got repairs done, checked on the horses, knocked down some weeds...He always enjoys those trips but was tired and sore from all the rough roads and miles of travel to get there and back home...I was nice and didn't nag at him to do things for me.

He did get the lawn mower out and made sure it would start before turning it over to me...Oh boy, now I add that to my exercise program for the summer...My steps added up to 6,600 steps yesterday, so do I rest today or try to better that?

Mid afternoon, we went for a ride, to Alder Slope, then to the head of Wallowa Lake, visiting familiar spots and revisiting times of long ago, when he was just a boy...Back at Barton Heights, we fixed dinner, played a game of cards and he left for his house and hopefully a good nights sleep...Hugs To All, OWAV:)

PS...The anemones multiply and spread, so much of the front flowerbed is covered with blue anemones and bunches of yellow daffodils...The primroses are spotty...I love spring!   



Friday, April 19, 2024

A bit warmer...36º climbing to 60º

One good thing about the cooler nights and not very warm days is that the blooming daffodils last longer, sharing their sunny personalities for all to enjoy...I love bringing a bouquet in the house as well.

Late afternoon yesterday I joined 3 other ladies for dinner at the "Stubborn Mule." We don't get together often so we visited, laughed and reminisced about our lives now and years ago...Since we were the only "diners" at this early hour, our waiter was very attentive, making sure we had ample drink, food and  dessert...Only 1 dessert and 4 forks.  Hugs to All...OWAV:)
 PS Sorry for the "canned" photo, I forgot my phone!

Piece of delicious lemon meringue pie on plate