I promise that today will be my last daffodil photos for this season...Eleven fellow gardeners came on Tuesday to view daffodils and other spring flowers...The sun was high in the ultra blue sky, a slight breeze ruffled tiny new leaves as we walked and talked about spring flowers...It was truly a magical day.
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So many questions, I answered, hoping my answers were correct...At times I racked my brain to come up with a name, usually the common name, Pasque, Peony, Meadow Rue, Leopards Bane, Windflowers, Grape Hyacinths, Poppy and Columbine, easier for beginning gardeners to remember...We soon left the flowers for the vegetable garden to view the garlic, asparagus, grapevines and newly planted onions...I dug under the straw and came up with a handful of loamy soil produced over the years by layers of leaves, straw, alfalfa pellets and manure...We no longer till our garden, just keep adding layers...I love sharing ideas, plants and information, while I learn more from those who come to visit.
Pasque (one of my favorites)
Fern Peony (gifted to me by a dear friend)
Below are the daffodils I have collected over the years, same came from commercial variety packs, others from family and friends...I know spring has arrived in Wallowa County when the daffodils bloom, always happy, they appear in May and then disappear come June, giving way for new flowers to take their place...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
Paper Whites (from my sister in Oklahoma)
King Alfred (common)
Heirloom (Homestead out north)