Tuesday, March 29, 2011

OWAV:) 03/29/11, 5am, 35°, No snow

I had a busy day yesterday.  First on the agenda was printing labels for FOJB, spring mailing.   This is one of my jobs as a volunteer for the Eagle Cap Excursion Train. Printer worked, no problems, YEAH!!  Next was getting copies made of the letter at "Copy Central" in Enterprise.  I planned my morning around that, along with a stop at Soroptomists and another stop to visit with my friend Ruth.   Ruth and I had a nice long visit so I didn't go to Soroptomists, just made a quick stop at Safeway to pick up a prescription.  Got home in time to eat lunch and make a 1:00 sorority, committee meeting at Marions.  Spent the rest of the day "gabbing" with friends and working on this years Founders Day banquet.  Since I'm the only one in Sorority that is SORT of computer literate, I make invitations and programs for our functions.  I will work on Founders Day programs, after I finish the mailing for FOJB and get home from my weeklong writing retreat in Imnaha.  The writing retreat starts this coming Sunday.  More about that later.

When I arrived home, Herb and Rusty were unwinding and warming up from a day spent riding a "Kubota", Utility vehicle, into the Lick Creek area where they hauled out an abandoned snowmobile, that was frozen to the ground, in a snow covered swamp.  Before I left on my errands to Enterprise, I had started a batch of bread, punched it down when I came home for lunch and it was now over the top of the bowl.  Since dinner was not in the oven or anywhere else in sight, the "guys" were happy with fry bread, slathered with butter and homemade jam.  I made the rest of the dough into four round loaves, which were baked and removed from the oven about 7pm.  They looked much better than the hockey pucks of last week.  OWAV:)


  1. Must be nice getting back to you "normal" busy life without us mucking around in the middle of it. I was going through SCRABBLE withdrawls all day yesterday. Don't know what I'll do while your gone next week.

  2. It is good to get back to my normal, but I love having that routine "MUCKED UP' every so often, especially by my "KIDS". Sure will be different without scrabble next week, I feel sorry for those pigs, if you have any left to kill. Love M
