Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Sun coming through the east window brings promise of a nice day...they seem to be far and few between so far this spring...Daffodils just starting to bloom...perennials slow to break through the frozen ground...very likely one day it will change...temperatures soaring and everyone complaining about the it goes...

I spent most of Monday, doing Dr. appt. hip x-ray...then home to make a salad to take to "Stitch and Bitch"...While in Safeway I walked by the strawberries and they actually smelled like "strawberries"...put a box in my basket along with baby home I prepped the spinach, nuts, green onions, Mandarin oranges and made a huckleberry vinaigrette out of frozen huckleberries, plum jelly and balsamic vinegar...dipped the strawberries in chocolate, rolled them in nuts...picked a bouquet of almost blooming daffodils..birthday gift... and woolah I'm ready for a "S&B" birthday party for friend Kathy Hunter...

Meet Kathy at the grange hall and we get there at 4pm...others don't show up until about 6pm...we are entertained by "Pinto", a dog who reminds me so much of our Bailey dog that it is unreal...the dog owner, Ann, whose home we are at, finally puts him out in the car...then he will be good because he thinks he is going somewhere...He is about a year old and Ann keeps saying he will calm down soon...little does she know...

This S&B has been organized for sometime...the women six of them...are close and have done trips together plus the knitting...I'm new and think Kathy is the only one that includes me...others are still checking me out trying to figure how I too...haven't knitted anything for almost a year...and usually don't knit at S&B because I end up tearing it all out when I get home...hard for me to talk and knit at the same time...We watch it rain, snow, sleet, hail, and sunshine...Lots of food...soup, salad, homemade bread, pesto, oranges slices in wine, dense, dark, chocolate cake...I'll probably be up half the night on another caffeine high...Told Herb when I left back in a couple of hours...he said before dark?...I said oh sure way before that...I pull into the driveway as daylight is on its way out...

Tuesday...7am dental appointment...quick stop at Safeway...home to get ready for write group...out the door with computer by Kathy Putnum at the grange hall, seems my meetings this week are all up Hurricane Creek...We arrive at Phyllis's to the smell of brownies cooking and Kathy has brought soup this week, Phyllis furnishes the bread and I'm eating again...Home before 2pm, ask Herb if he is hungry...not I plan dinner for about favorite fried oysters....Can't imagine why I'm gaining weight!!!!!

I have programs to print and assemble, for Founders will close for another day...sun still shinning...OWAV:)

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