Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunshine Morning...07/17/11...49°...

Oma's new view
Thunders showers late yesterday, raining when we went to bed...Up early to sunshine and blue skies...hope it lasts all day!..

Yard sales were pretty much of a bust, bought 3 canning jars, but had an enjoyable time with Pat and least I didn't come home with a bunch of junk!..Worked in the garden until the gusty wind drove me into the house...Talked to Bobi briefly, they had a great time at the "Harry Potter" movie...waiting in line with the masses and eating theater popcorn for breakfast.

Rusty arrived about 2pm, not feeling well, (fever, chills, diarrhea) so went to bed...Herb and I had enchiladas made from the pulled pork and sauce, that I worked so hard at making (LOL) it was very good... Went to Becky and John's for a short visit with Johns' parents, who are here for the weekend.

Rusty is up and not looking so peaked this morning, said he guessed he was trying to loose the weight he gained while on his trip to Austria...

Not much to report today, so will get moving...Herb already has sheets drying on the line and is out splitting wood...Hugs to all~OWAV:)

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