Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Check's in the Mail...27º--45º

It's official, yesterday I received a check in the mail from "Country" for my story that they renamed "What Not to Wear"...Now to decide what to spend that special money on...I don't really need anything...but an ipad is tempting me...or do I stash it away for a rainy day?..  Decisions, decisions.

Idella's Published

Busy day ahead for me I have write group this morning, afternoon mail stuffing at Fishtrap...Then I will give Pat a ride home from Enterprise where she has been to Doctors for treatment on her knee...Seems that she has a tear in a muscle or ligament and  is going to be limited in activities for awhile...My daily walks won't be nearly as much fun without her... OWAV:)

Monday, November 28, 2011


Yesterday was a day to unwind, relax and rejuvenate our "batteries" after the whirlwind activities of "Thanksmas"...Herb kept busy while Rusty and I got sucked into the latest of Angry Birds Seasons...Dueling computers, Rusty zipped ahead of me but he coached me on ways to get one star and move on, I found some unseen golden eggs for him and then we were back to work on our three star rating....Totally frustrating, waste of time, but so addictive that with a click on the Icon you are back at it, swearing, scratching your head and finally giving up again, give it a rest and try again later.

I did manage to keep up with my scrabble games and warm up leftovers for our dinner, John and Tate joined us and we had a nice visit catching up on the hunting stories of the past two months.

Today I will regroup and prioritize tasks for this week, sorority Christmas party invitations must be finished and ready to mail...Essay finished to send to Katey...Write group tomorrow and also a " Fishtrap mailing" on Tuesday that I signed up to help with...Yoga on Wednesday...More sorting and cleaning is also on the agenda even if it is only an hour each day...Leftovers are almost gone so must start thinking about food for the week...Daily life resumes, but I, unlike the rest of you, have Christmas done for the year, almost anyway...  Hugs to all... OWAV:)

Sunday, November 27, 2011



It's 5am...the dust has settled...quiet looms...The only sound is made by the washing machine as Herb starts on his Sunday chores...Rusty and I are on our computers, he playing the new "Angry Birds Seasons" and I surfing through the new "Google Cloud" introduced by Bobi...I was ready for bed at 7pm last night, so called the "kids" to check on their homeward progress...They were in Troutdale only a half hour from their home in Tigard.

It was a whirlwind family gathering...Thanksgiving day was spent fixing snack foods, putting puzzles together, laughter, conversation and eating...Cienna explained the wonders of her new itouch to Papa and I, how much we understood was probably nil but it was fun listening to her explain with confidence the wonders of cyberspace, from a 13 year olds perspective...Not the world we grew up in.

Mixed berry
Friday loomed with a stormy day overhead but soon turned to sunshine and blue skies, although a cold wind persisted...We dined on Cienna made pancakes, covered with huckleberry compote, topped with sour cream...Bacon and sausage on the side...A breakfast that would hold us until late evening...At 10:30am Rusty phoned from Seattle to say his flight was confirmed to Lewiston and Herb was out the door and on his way...He had shopping to do at Bi-mart and Costco before the flight arrived..."We" kept the home fires burning, sliced and diced more food, made pies, fun and frivolity prevailed...Herb and Rusty arrived about 5:30, everyone helped themselves to a "make your own nacho buffet", pandemonium reigned...Our family coming together from far flung places, all made possible with the conveniences of modern travel and the computer age.

After the gifts were opened!
Our little Christmas tree was surrounded by gifts just waiting to be opened, so our celebration continued with Ci playing Santa, passing out gifts, we oohed and awed over the cozy fleece shirts, remade felted slippers, books for the long winter nights, a trench coat and swimsuits for Ci and a funky chicken for Bob... Then a grab bag of windup toys and races on the coffee table with the pig, rhino and butterfly all in a dead heat...We are easily entertained when all in one place!

Saturday morning with a prime rib in the oven, rolls in the making and the sausage, artichoke stuffing coming to room temperature, the Wall family packed their bags and organized the car in preparation for the return to Portland...We had any early dinner, took the final photo...Life is good.

Hope your Thanksgiving was as blessed as ours....  OWAV:)

Rusty, Herb, Cienna, Stan, Della, Bobi

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011...33º--Nice day.

Kids arrived from Portland at 1:30am, email from Rusty saying he is back in New Jersey and flight out of there and into Lewiston on Friday...Happy Thanksgiving to all!...OVAW:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Country"--52º---Very strong gusts...4am

Have been up since 3am wondering if the house is going to stay put or if like Dorothy and Toto, I will wake up, blinking my eyes in wonder, in some unknown place...The wind gusted all through the night but got really bad about 2:30am...I'm surprised that the power is still on...Unable to sleep I got up at 3am, turned on the coffee and now have the scrabble games all done...Just waiting for daylight, when the wind usually dies down...Last night I started a batch of bread and left it in the "sponge" to rise overnight, so need to tend to it soon.

Yesterday our usual "Write Group" met at Cloud Nine and we have such a good time, it is hard to explain...Just a great bunch of ladies!

I arrived home to a surprise in the mail, a free copy of "Country"...Yes, my story is indeed published in the latest issue of "Country"...In the section they call "The Way it Was" and titled "What not to Wear"...There I am as an eight year old, freckles on my nose and my hair in pigtails...I am pleased that they made only small changes to my original story and just so excited to be published that I can hardly contain myself!..So if you get the magazine take a minute and read my story about "my first day in a one-room school house".

I must come back to reality and continue to get on with the upcoming holiday...I have bread to knead, soup to make, yoga class and hopefully a morning walk....  OWAV:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Family-Travel...40º--Very Windy

Looks like Bobi and family will arrive late Wednesday night, depending on, if Stan's schedule stays the same and weather and road conditions... Rusty will fly into Lewiston Friday afternoon where Herb will pick him up...That is all dependent on the weather and if all connections are made and flights aren't canceled...All out of my control, so I'm just going to think about fixing food!..

Yesterday Pat and I did our good deed for the day helping out at the County food bank, where we, along with five other people assembled forty eight "Thanksgiving dinner" boxes for distribution...Included in the box for as many as seven people were packages of dressing, gravy, and mashed potato mixes...Canned vegetables, cranberry jelly, fresh apples and to be added later a frozen turkey.

We arrived at book group where we discussed "Impatient for Desire", then decided on a potluck brunch for the December meeting where we will share food and a favorite short Christmas story or poem...Then we were on to Joseph, made one lap around the track and gave that up as it was a battle to walk straight and stay upright...Wind, drifted snow all contributing factors.

Herb and I picked up 1/2 a beef in Wallowa, shopped at Safeway and split a burger, tots and milkshake at "Heavenly's"...Home to unload and since it gets dark so early we vegged!

I have write group today, more shopping, decorating, cooking....OWAV:)

Monday, November 21, 2011


I spent yesterday morning cleaning, sorting books to go to soroptomists and the LaGrande bookstore...Most of the afternoon was spent writing, rewriting my November essay for Katey's critique...

Today Pat and I are doing volunteer work at the food bank before and after our monthly book group...In the afternoon Herb and I plan to go to Wallowa and pick up half of the beef, leaving the other half there for Bobi and Stan when they return to Portland... I have grocery shopping to do...Decorations to bring downstairs so it looks a little bit like Christmas...Not going to stress, just be happy when the "kids" are all safely here and every thing else will fall into place?..  OWAV:)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This Old House...15º---38º

This Old House
Some thirty years ago, in 1980, after owning our house for three years we decided to do some remodeling and updating...Our house was built around 1920, back before it was common to insulate houses, and our incredible view was not a priority...So the house, a three story was built with its back to the mountains, a small kitchen, laundry room downstairs and windows that let in the cold, wind, flies and dirt...A bedroom was made into a utility room of sorts, when it became difficult for the older couple to navigate the stairs to the basement...Making the best use of the space hadn't come into the picture...The heating system was inadequate.

So Herb and I being young and strong but very dumb about carpentry decided to make some changes...Some of the smart things we could do and did were: We added a composition roof over the old shingled roof, insulated the attic with blown-in insulation and rolls of insulation...Then we tackled the remodel of the bathroom and the kitchen/utility room...I had the ideas, Herb had the hammer...Not to go into much detail we did some good things: added a shower to the bathroom, enlarged the kitchen into the "utility room" and added a picture window (for our view of the mountains)... We definitely made the house more livable...But then we got bogged down with the finishing details and lived with the unfinished walls, woodwork etc for about ten years.

In 1991, Tony Anton started working for the Forest Service and he and Herb became friends...By this time I was fed up with living in the unfinished house and had a local carpenter come to give us a bid on remodeling the living room and doing the finish work in the kitchen...Herb mentioned to me that Tony was an expert carpenter and was looking for part time work to supplement his FS job...Long story short...for the next six months we lived in a demolition zone on the main floor...His first day on the job, all of the original lath and plaster was ripped out and piled a foot deep on the living room  floor... When Tony started to remodel he didn't waste any time and when I arrived home from work that night I wished that I had been content to live with the unfinished house...I stood looking in awe and disbelief with tears running down my cheeks, at the incredible mess that lay before me!..I thought he was a mad man.

Six months later he had become a miracle worker...The utility room had floor to ceiling cabinets, I had a built in pantry, the ceiling in the living room no longer sagged, insulation and sheetrock had been installed...windows and doors were trimmed with red fir boards and our house was transformed...Again I stood in awe, with a smile on my face and tears running down my cheeks.

Now thirty years later the kitchen cabinet doors have lost most of the springs in the hinges so Herb is replacing the hinges and I'm sprucing up the doors, hoping we can do a small remodel and live out our years without having to do another renovation...Although we both know that the bathroom needs to be revamped, making the shower easier for our "aging" bodies to get in and out of...and hand railings need to be added to the steps leading in and out of our house making access easier...Guess it never ends...Hugs to all...  OWAV:)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"We Three"...16º---38º

Yesterday was a fun-filled day with our special "We Three" writers group...I arrived at Pat and Brian's cabin, a snowy paradise, at the head of Wallowa Lake...Smells of Pat's famous "Lentil Chili" filled the room as I stuck my head in the door, with a "Hellooooo, anybody home?..Pat and I didn't waste any time getting down to the business of "walkin' away the pounds"...For the next half hour we walked, sidestepped and kicked our way through the DVD...Our heart rate elevated, lungs gasping for air, we finished the two mile walk just shortly before Amy arrived, armed with two bottles of wine to go with our lunch.

Three hours later we had eaten chili and cornbread, finished one bottle of wine and discussed all three of our essays, that had been critiqued by Katey...Now with fresh thoughts in our mind, notes made, we were ready for dessert (chocolate cookies, apple slices, bleu cheese and another sip of wine to help digest the "days work"...After five months, we have this writing, critiquing, rewriting, "eating and drinking", down to a fine science...We are ready to regroup and take a month off, start anew in late January 2012 for another six months (If Katey agrees)...Amy and I left the cabin in a winter storm, visibility poor, we safely made it to Joseph, where I turned off, her taillights faded into oblivion as she continued on to Wallowa.

So we still have an essay to be turned in on December 1st and another "We Three" wine and dine the middle of December, on Barton Heights...Then we can relax until we start writing again in mid January.

Thanksgiving is next week, still planning on "kids" for a short visit...Now if only the weather will cooperate...OWAV:)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Treasured Friend...28º--37º...3" new snow

"Chocolate Snowballs"

We invited out friend Margaret for dinner yesterday...She lives about a mile away from us and we haven't seen her since maybe last spring...Touch base occasionally by phone, other than that our paths don't seem to cross...Fixed a simple dinner of chicken and noodles, added a salad, corn bread and tried a new dessert...We visited non-stop for over three hours, much reminiscing about family and old times...Laughter filled the room as well as our hearts...I vow to make these visits happen more often.

Pat and I walked, each to our own walking tape in the middle of our respective living rooms...Not near as much fun as our together walks, where we laugh and talk, but a very good workout and we were warm and dry.

Today our "We Three" group meets over lunch, to go over last months essays...The essays  that Katey has returned to us with critiques, suggestions and her positive feed back...No matter how bad they are she always adds lots of encouragement that we are indeed improving and the only way to improve more is to work harder and keep writing...Check out her blog "The Writing Life" at  http://www.kateyschultz.com/

More snow in the forecast today, had close to three inches yesterday...I like it when the ground is covered and look forward to a little sunshine...Hugs to all OWAV:)

Snow on the lilac

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The predicted high for today was 38º...At 4am this morning we awoke to a windy 44º, now at 7am is is 38º and falling, a possible 5" of snow is in the forecast.

Thinking of yoga class yesterday, we are in our 6th week of, as Pat and I call it, our beached whale routine...Along with other, younger members we roll out our mats, arrange blocks, straps and blankets within easy reach while we attempt to contort our bodies into rather simple basic poses...included are child's pose, downward dog, lunge and on and on...Most of these poses are new to us and I haven't tried contortions like this since I was in 5th grade...Well maybe that's not true, as I did take a series of yoga classes about 2 years ago...Somehow Pat is very persuasive or I'm easily talked into new adventures as here I am again...WHAT was I thinking?..

This morning I googled Yoga (basic poses) and this is one of the sites I found.   http://www.skincareresourcecenter.com..Yoga makes your skin glow...I'm usually sweating like a pig, does that count?..Yoga helps you retain your natural beauty while coping with everyday stress...that means you had to have some beauty to start with?..Yoga not only brings pleasure in your life that directly reflects on your face...It also works to delay the signs of skin aging...That means that if I keep this routine up I will always have a smile on my face and delay the wrinkles, age spots, sags and bags for another year...Hmmmm...Maybe I will sign up for the second session....OWAV:)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Changing Times...15º--38º

Didn't have anything new to read yesterday at "Write Group", so I resurrected a "timely" piece written maybe a year ago...It reflects my thoughts on the twice yearly time change in a somewhat civilized manner...I don't usually do poetry but here it is:.... OWAV:)


Who was so bright?
Lose an hour here
Gain an hour there
Change clocks everywhere
Is it more than I can bear?
Spring them forward
Fall them back
Oh no I’m all out of whack
Is someone keeping track?
One clock 
Two clocks
Forty-seven clocks
Is there no more tick tock?
There was a time when
We had grandfather clocks
Cuckoo clocks
Mantle clocks
Sundials, are they long gone?
Now we have blinking lights
Saying change me, no me
Like spoiled children
Are they begging for attention?
We have Clocks on the microwave & range
Clocks on the coffee pot & computer
Clocks on the TV and telephone,
Should I keep going on and on?
Our life is ruled, lest we forget
Not by the sunrise or sunset
The simple time of daylight to dark
As nature intended
Is it now but a lark?
More time squandered
Less time saved
As twice a year
Our clocks are changed
Do we all believe our daylight is more
As we bank it in the spring 
Then come fall it’s out the door
Please, please let us stop this foolishness
For now and evermore.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Daily exercise is a must but most easy to put off...not enough time, too cold, windy, hot, rainy, snowy, not fun to do by yourself or I'm just plain lazy...It is easy on any given day to find some excuse...So Pat and I are saying no excuses, some way we have to make it happen...At her house on Saturday after cutting fabric for a bedspread, she had me trudging up and down the hilly slope that her house sits on...We both had on our "yak tracks" for improved footing, breathing deeply of the cold, crisp air and talking...Me taking breaks to stretch and fill my lungs one more time, as we reach the top of the hill and then start back down...Ahhh, the easy part...Today we will walk the Joseph school track on our way to write group...A good surface to walk on, kind to our aging joints and the view is unsurpassed.

Yesterday I officially handed over a volunteer job that I have done for four years...I have been recording memberships, sending out membership cards, doing mailings and reporting to the board, of "The Friends of the Joseph Branch" of the Eagle Cap Excursion train... Along with this, for several years I volunteered as a hostess on the excursion trips...I really liked the onboard trips, visiting with people and enjoying the scenery, until a sprained ankle required a year off to heal...When I returned, it didn't seem the same, things were unorganized, it became more like work instead of fun...Decided it was time to move on...I will still support the train as I believe in the overall concept...Just looking at it from a different angle... Hugs to all OWAV:)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Breezy morning...34º--39º

Snow in the forecast, with light winds...Always interesting to see what really happens on any given day...Yesterday was sunny with a cold wind most of the day, but still warm enough to melt off the new snow.

I spent my time indoors, cleaning downstairs and moving dust around upstairs...Did sort and get rid of the accumulated mess around the computer and sewing machine...Which brings me to the quandary of do we need both computers?..Bought the one upstairs, with money from our "bread sales", six years ago, twenty inch screen, state of the art "Mac"... Both Herb and I made the switch from PC to Mac with the help of Bobi, and have never looked back...In fact a year ago, when drooling over the new ipads, and thinking that would be a nice birthday present for myself?...Herb said, "I'll buy the ipad for your birthday."...Big mistake, because that got me to thinking again...Could I do my writing on the ipad?..Sort of, but number 1. it didn't have a writing program, number 2. the ipad was in its infancy...and Bobi said, "Mom it is always better to wait for the second version, when they have some of the kinks worked out and they will add more features.  Don't get in a hurry."...So now I started looking at the MacBook Pro (a laptop)...A cool machine...It had more hard drive, memory and all of the programs on the desktop could be transferred over...It was lightweight, portable and easy to use sitting in my recliner, didn't get a kink in my neck trying to look at the screen through my bifocals...I could write or play games, surf the net or whatever to my hearts content AND take it with me where ever I went...Oh so many pluses!..So we took the plunge, called the computer place in Portland and placed an order.

Oma's toast to you!
Sooo here I am almost a year later, the laptop, almost my constant companion, clicking away doing the 287th blog since I started blogging on 01/06/11...I hardly knew what a blog was and had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it...On any given morning I quite often don't have a clue what my subject will be, like today, but I just start typing and sometimes it is my "blathering" sometimes a "rant and rave" sometimes just a way to share and communicate with my family and friends...Today a toast to "all" my readers...OWAV:)

PS...The ipad 2 is out and I smell the wood burning!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Up late this morning, sun is breaking through...Think I better get moving...Good day to all...  OWAV:)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Yesterday I spent time cleaning out more drawers and then when my 10:30 meeting canceled and the sun was shinning, I decided to repot some of the house plants...I enlisted Herb to help haul them to the garage, where the potting soil and pots are handy and proceeded with trying to remove then from the old pots...The asparagus fern was so root bound that the pot had to be cut off of it and a new pot found...One that hopefully will hold it for a few years...I was ruthless in cutting off much of its root system and am surprised this morning that it is still alive...I like outdoor plants best, but enjoy my house plants during the cold, cloudy days of winter.

Pat and I walked in the afternoon, changing out route so we could visit Celia and Annabelle (mules) and see the progress on the new pole barn, that Brian is building...It was another invigorating walk and the steady uphill on our way home got our heart rate up!

Pat brought oxtail (we shared) soup that she had made, so instead of having burritos as planned, we dined on a wonderful, full meal soup of lentils, lots of veggies, oxtail and added a salad for dinner...Today I have more cleaning and sorting in mind...Hugs to all...  OWAV:)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Early to Bed...24º--40º

Both Herb and I worked outside yesterday, it was still very frosty and cold but we tackled the leaves on the front porch with a vengeance...He with the shop vac and I with a broom, soapy hot water and a cleaning rag...I love the front porch on our nearly 100 year old house...But it is a leaf, dirt and spider web magnet, among other things...Now that our "Nuisance" cat is dead, we no longer have the accumulated cat hair that she deposited every where or the raccoons and neighboring dogs, that were attracted to her food dish...So maybe we can clean it periodically and keep it presentable for when we have front door guests...Herb then continued on to trim down more perennials in the front yard and I worked on the sunny deck, where the temperature turned warm...How nice it was to finish the last of the repotting, deadheading and moving planters next to the house for the winter, in shirt sleeves...Snow from over a week ago still covers much of the lawn and some of our trees are hanging onto their leaves...Another sunny day is forecast for today but changes abruptly to mostly cloudy with chances of snow everyday next week...Fall is quickly turning into winter, although the calendar says different.

I met Pat for a walk at her end of the lake, we trudged to the trailhead, end of the road, all up hill...It was warm, sunny, yet invigorating...I arrived back home where Herb had sauerkraut, brots and mashed potatoes ready to go on the table for dinner...How nice.

So I was in bed early and up at 4am to the moon wading through clouds but still illuminating our valley for one more night... Hugs to all....  OWAV:)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Spaced a Meeting...26º---49º

I had a full day planned yesterday, walk, yoga, a 2pm and 6pm committee meeting...Home from yoga, feeling not energized but good...I had remembered to pay the property tax...(Yes last year I forgot) Did scrabble, worked in the kitchen and was soon fixing dinner to be ready at 2pm...Completely spacing the 2pm meeting...I answered the ringing phone to "did you forget?"..."Oh CRRRAP," I said..."Yes, I will finish my dinner and be right there!"...Of course not the only thing I've ever forgotten, but I find myself having to write down more things... "BIG NOTES" on the kitchen counter to remind me... Speaking of that it reminds me of my Mom and her "reminder"...Her house was always neat and cleared of clutter, so the first time I saw her address book in the middle of the living room floor, I picked it up and put it away for her...I soon heard her voice saying "Della did you pick up my address book?"  "Yes," I said "Is that okay?"  "No, I put it on the floor as a reminder to call Mona on her birthday in a few days."

That was her way of staying on track and she did it until she died at 96...Just one little thing out of place...Won't work for me, too many things out of place in my house and I would probably have to call every phone number in the phone book until I figured out who I was supposed to be calling!..Have a great day everyone and don't "FORGET" to Smile...   OWAV:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Saga of Write Group...25º--45º

Five of us attended write group yesterday at the Book Loft...Leita had reserved the table in the back room and Mary had added another leaf to give us more space...The smell of coffee drew us in and several ordered their choice of drinks...I chose to sit in a spot where I could see out toward the main door...All of us took turns reading at our "semi private" table, while a steady stream of people came in to order coffee, then sat down to their own tables and conversation...I felt like we were always on guard, keeping our voices down, quieting our laughter and wondering who could hear what we were saying...Not that we have any big secrets, just like to keep it within the group!

We left there and met again across the street for lunch at the "Cloud Nine Bakery", another possible venue for our "Write Group"....On this particular day it looks like a better choice... More space, away from the cash register, not as much morning traffic and warmer... Although I'm a little concerned that the smell of donuts, apple fritters, bismarks and eclairs might be our undoing at 10am...Personally I don't think it is worth it, for "goodies" that are all mixed from the same sack, made into different shapes and fried in deep fat and have that "cloying" bakery taste!...Most days I will be able to pass....  OWAV:)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunshine on Ruby Peak...29º--38º

Left at 6am yesterday....Good trip, bare roads all the way and spots of sunshine...First stop was the Subaru place, then Walmart and then to Costco...Had lunch at Antonio's ( a new place for us) Split a plate of spaghetti and salad, each had a glass of wine!..The place was very busy, but service was good and nothing to complain about on the food...Then we were off to Home Depot, always a frustrating experience for me and then Staples, not one of my favorites either!!...

Home after 4pm, got car unloaded, most stuff put away, then time to unwind until bedtime.

This morning Herb is off to a dental appointment, then will take "bags of stuff" to soroptomists and deposit them before I change my mind and keep half of the stuff...Must finish this as I have a walk at 9am and write group at 10...Hugs to all...  OWAV:)

Monday, November 7, 2011


The list is made and shopping is on the calendar...A trip to Costco, a day out for us...Lewiston/Clarkston is usually warmer, maybe sunshine...We hope so...Not sure if we save money going to Costco but the outing is worth it for us...We always head out early...Herb got the snow tires on last week, filled the gas tank and we have our cell phones...Not much cell service between here and there but that's the way it goes...Always makes me think back to other winter trips...two little kids packed out to the car in their jammies still half asleep...Bedded down in the back seat and we were on our way...Cell phones didn't exist...4-wheeled drive was only on jeeps...front wheeled drive was on select automobiles...We looked outside to see if it was snowing...and away we went...Now I must get dressed and we will be on our way...Hugs to all.... OWAV:)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Savings Time...25º--38º

Have decided that this may be the longest day of the year...It is now 5am, been up since 3am...Yesterday it would have been 4am...Herb said he may have to take a nap about 10am...I could get on a real "Rant and Rave" about this crazy time change but will spare you...and move on.

Have spent my time this morning, scrabbling and googling...Checking out the location of Curitiba on the map and trying to find the building project that Rusty is working on...Doesn't seem to be listed, maybe he is really on a Holiday...We chatted with him yesterday...It was a nine hour flight from New Jersey for them, but their luggage must have taken the scenic route because it didn't arrive when they did...Rusty said the motel is nice, no kitchen but they serve a buffet breakfast and dinner everyday and he thinks lunch on week days...Said the food was even good, lots of fresh fruits and juices...The following link should get you to a map of Brazil, then you can find Curitiba, south-eastern area.

Not much happening here, I'm trying to clean out drawers and accumulated stuff from the past 40 years...Very slow process...OWAV:)


Saturday, November 5, 2011


It was early to bed last night and up early this morning, feeling rested...House is a cool 58º, even with the wood stove going...The snow storm yesterday put about 4" of wet snow down, then melted some off and now it is icy and frozen...Pat and I made it around the track twice yesterday before we gave it up as a bad idea...The wind was blowing, visibility was bad and our tracks looked like a couple of drunk people staggering around...We had a few good laughs before leaving, then stopped at Svendsens' on the way home, where we warmed up with a hot drink and visited with Marsha.

Back home the chili and tamales were heated and ready to eat when I got home...Good dinner for a stormy day.

Looks like winter!
Had an email from Rusty when I got up this morning, he said, "arrived in Brazil, all is well, internet a little spotty"...He is a man of few words, when it comes to email...Just happy he keeps us posted!...OWAV:)

Friday, November 4, 2011


Winter Weather advisory in effect this morning for Joseph Oregon...Up to four inches of snow could fall by afternoon...Traveling could be treacherous...I think this is a little overblown!..The first snow is always problematic, catching people unaware...Think a little common sense to slow down might help!

Mona and I after a "flurry"
What did we do before, television, computers and their instant news...I can remember my Dad intently listening to the "crackling" radio news in the 50's in Lake Fork, Idaho, trying to get a handle on how many inches of snow we might get on any given day...Lake Fork/McCall is a snow belt...We lived three miles off of the main highway on a county road...County snow plowing equipment was very basic... It was impossible to keep the county roads cleared, when the snow was coming down, wind blowing a gale, with no end in sight...An almost daily forecast (from November thru March) repeated on the radio for that area, which included Boise (100 miles away) was, possible rain in the lower elevations and "snow flurries" in the mountains...After our first winter there, Dad figured out that for our area "snow flurries" in the mountains meant that we could wake up to two feet of snow in our front yard and more on the way...The hardest part was keeping food and water available for our animals...My parents kept our house well supplied with food, we had wood heat, could get by without electricity, so we were prepared if we were snowed in for two weeks at a time...If the weather turned cold (-40º was common) the snow would crust over and Daddy would take us to school on the bob-sled, horses and sled skimming across the frozen snow for the two miles to the school house...Eventually there would be a break in the weather and the county would come in with a D-8 Caterpillar and open a one track road.

Looking outside we have a couple of inches on the ground, still snowing and Herb just left to go to Schwabs and get the snow tires mounted on the car...Winter has arrived.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Where's the Beef...34º--38º

On Tuesday afternoon Herb and I went to a small ranch, just outside of Wallowa...We were going there to glean hearts, tails and tongues from a mobile slaughter truck that comes here from Union County...Now some people might not want to read this and that is up to you...but if you eat even an occasional hamburger, you should know where your meat comes from...For any of us to eat meat something has to die...That's just the way it is...I suggest you read "Omnivores Dilemma" by Michael Pollan, to get a better idea of the meat that you eat in a "Big Mac" or buy at the grocery store. http://michaelpollan.com/books/the-omnivores-dilemma/

Growing up on a farm this was a natural process, we raised animals for food just like we raised a garden for food...Our animals were loved and well taken care of and when the time came they were killed as quickly and humanly as possible...This was not always easy, I have cried over more than one animal that was slated for the dinner table...But I happen to love meat so I got over it!

A trend has started to eat local meat including beef, lamb, goat and pig...I won't go into the options of grass fed, grain finished etc....This is mostly about Dale Baker, and his mobil slaughter wagon...I've watched this process several times over the past twenty years, sometimes in our own back yard...Every time it amazes me more and is fascinating to watch...On this particular day Dale had seven steers to kill for several people, we had ordered one...Our family's Christmas present...With a cold wind blowing, he was already gutting and skinning the second one when Herb and I arrived with our 5 gallon buckets, motioning us where to set the buckets.  He said, "We'll fill 'em up, you want tongues, tails, and hearts"...I shook my head yes...His knife never stopped its motion of slash, slash, slash...hone, hone, hone...His young assistant was at his side with a spray of water when needed and they worked together like a surgical team in an operating room, hardly a word was spoken...Each had their own jobs...Dale doing the skinning and his assistant the clean up...Soon the carcass was hanging on hooks on a sliding extension, where the assistant sprayed and washed until every trace of foreign matter was cleared away, with a mighty push it went into the back of the truck to await the trip to the butcher and another steer was now almost skinned and ready to be hung...I managed to tell Dale that he was like "Poetry in Motion and how much I enjoyed watching him", he gave a half grin and said, "Years of experience".

After about an hour of watching mesmerized, we departed...Herb picked up our now full buckets and we headed for the car, me opening gates to exit the corrals...Talked briefly with Pam, the owner of the steers, catching up on family news and making sure we knew about the billing, cutting and wrapping process...Beef should be packaged and ready in 14 to 18 days.

Last night the aroma of simmering tongue, garlic, onion, celery and spices filled our kitchen and set out mouths to watering...OWAV:)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Write Group 101...20º--??...Windy

Wind is in the forecast for today, not unusual this time of year...Herb is trying to catch the leaves as they come off the trees (visual :)) before they blow away...Running the mower over them and saving mulch for the garden.

Yesterday Pat and I walked... cold, invigorating, talking and laughing...I wonder what people think if they happen to see us two old ladies doubled over with laughter out on the track as we take a pause in our laps...Or maybe they think we are trying to catch our breath or having an attack of some kind....I would hate to have an ambulance show up...OR worse guys with straight jackets and haul us off to the "looney bin" as it used to be called when we were allowed to make jokes about such things.

On to write group, five of us read, discussed and ate...again gales of laughter filled the room...It was to be our last potluck lunch for awhile, we are looking for a place to meet and eat, trying places with food or maybe brown bagging it...Whatever we find will be a far cry from a warm home, tomato pie, hearty soup, chili verde and home made bread...But I know the laughter will still be there and that in itself will keep us going...Might have to tone it down in a public place....  OWAV:)

House plants that spent the summer on the deck, they loved it out there.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011