Looks like Bobi and family will arrive late Wednesday night, depending on, if Stan's schedule stays the same and weather and road conditions... Rusty will fly into Lewiston Friday afternoon where Herb will pick him up...That is all dependent on the weather and if all connections are made and flights aren't canceled...All out of my control, so I'm just going to think about fixing food!..
Yesterday Pat and I did our good deed for the day helping out at the County food bank, where we, along with five other people assembled forty eight "Thanksgiving dinner" boxes for distribution...Included in the box for as many as seven people were packages of dressing, gravy, and mashed potato mixes...Canned vegetables, cranberry jelly, fresh apples and to be added later a frozen turkey.
We arrived at book group where we discussed "Impatient for Desire", then decided on a potluck brunch for the December meeting where we will share food and a favorite short Christmas story or poem...Then we were on to Joseph, made one lap around the track and gave that up as it was a battle to walk straight and stay upright...Wind, drifted snow all contributing factors.
Herb and I picked up 1/2 a beef in Wallowa, shopped at Safeway and split a burger, tots and milkshake at "Heavenly's"...Home to unload and since it gets dark so early we vegged!
I have write group today, more shopping, decorating, cooking....OWAV:)
Glad to hear you will have both kids home for Thanksmas! I'm jealous. :)