Never thought much about my own "Longevity"...As the youngest child in our family, I would never catch up with my siblings so therefore never be as old...So no matter how old they got I always felt young in comparison...But that didn't stop me from reaching the "Golden Years"...About 2 years ago it slammed me...At first I felt the effects of a long car ride, previously I had, without thinking, hopped out of the car and kept moving...Now slowly I put one leg at a time out of the car and inch my way out of the seat, then stand, hang onto the car door, stretch, make sure all my parts will work before I start moving...I have slowed down when I walk, running is not a possibility and after a good nights sleep, it hurts to get out of bed...BUT it hurts worse to stay in bed...OH I forgot to mention it hurts when I turn over in bed...Now bed used to be a favorite of mine, as a child I went to bed early and wished I could sleep until noon(not possible on the farm)...Daddy would shake his head and I still hear his voice as he said, "Child you are going to die in bed, get up and get moving while you still can."
I took his advise for many years, raising a family, working and I tried to stay in shape, did all those things the magazines and the doctors tout as being good for you...Walked, rode a bike, gardened, split wood, did water aerobics, watched my diet, drank gallons of water...Did it help with the aging process?..One never knows.
Now my brain keeps thinking those thoughts but my body is not a willing partner, so it is an ongoing battle...What does this all mean...I have longevity genes but that didn't guarantee that I will sail through life unencumbered...My joins are stiff, my muscles ache but I can still under my own power get out of bed, fix meals, garden, talk myself into walking and with the promise of spring, WILL my body to move!..I see the pussy willows are blooming just outside our front window, even though it is snowing big flakes...So I will take a lesson from them and my Dad and get this body moving...Hugs to all....OWAV:)
Pussy Willows Blooming in Spite of a Snow Storm |