Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daylight Savings...35º

Chief Joseph Mountain
No big hurry at our house to set the clocks last night...So I was up about 4am my usual time...But now, that is 5am and Herb is up, has set the clocks all ahead and now it is almost 7am and I'm thinking where did the time go?..DAMN, I hate this crazy system...But no I won't do a RANT & RAVE about it again...Just mellow out, relax, make the most of the rest of the day.

Yesterday was another sunny wonderful day, spent a short time on the deck in the late afternoon then inside to read...I'm reading "MAID" novel about Joan of Ark, it is ok, might or might not finish it...I'm rereading "Riding the White Horse Home" by Teresa Jordan...She is teaching the memoir class at Summer Fishtrap that Pat and I are signing up for...We are both nervous about the class but everyone tells us that Teresa is a very down to earth person and we will love the class....So we plunge forward into this new world!

Pat and I spent time on her computer again yesterday, thinking she could get the ichat going before they leave for Maryland, but to no avail...Seems the only fix was to reload the operating system and that was taking forever...Now they are winging their way back east with many issues on their plate...Brian not feeling well, his fathers decline and the new computer giving Pat fits...It will all work out we know, but it is hard when things just don't want to go smooth!...Weather is changing here along with the time and I must get on with my day...Hugs to all...  OWAV:)

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