Rusty is on his way back to his home in Bend, to return in a couple of weeks...So now our house is really quiet except for the sound of the washing machine as Herb starts the laundry of towels and sheets, a welcome task when it includes a weeks visit from "The Kids".''
Yesterday was another cold and windy day so I put a beef roast in the oven on low and started a double batch of sourdough bread...Finished my essay...Mid afternoon found Rusty and I outside to do more pruning, then I inside to finish dinner prep and Herb out helping Rusty...One of the major projects of spring done!
John and Tate came for dinner as Becky is on her way back to Salem for another month of school...One more year to go...Our "Girls" are settling back into their routine in Portland.
For the first time I put all the ingredients for sourdough bread in my Bosch mixer turned it on low and let it "knead" for 6 minutes, added a little more flour so it wasn't sticky and let it raise...Yesterday's sourdough bread rose higher and wider than any other giving us a pan of rolls for dinner and 4-1# loaves...Breakfast is calling me so hugs to all.... OWAV:)
Great minds......... That's what we had for dinner, too. I didn't have quite as good luck with the sour dough bread though, but it was edible. More practice.