Monday, October 8, 2012


I woke yesterday morning finally dragging myself out of a nightmare that seemed to have been going on half of the night...Quite often I still dream about my days working in the cafeteria at Joseph Schools...For the most part those were happy days, doing a job I loved but when I dream about that time I awake in a state of agitation because nothing is going right...I had arrived late for work to find meat for lunch frozen solid, my staff  failed to show up and before I could get anything even started to cook the bus arrived with hungry students...These things never happened in real life so it boggles my mind that now almost 20 years have passed and I dream these crazy dreams...The point of this rambling is; The mood I wake up in kind of set the tone for the day...I didn't want that to happen.

I settled in my chair, coffee cup in hand, did my morning puzzles (to keep my brain stimulated) wrote my blog and then started to write on my essay...My mind calmed, I iced my knee, the "guys" were up and moving, we each got our own breakfast, they had cinnamon rolls, I had 1/2 a cinnamon roll and leftover soup...Then we made plans about what we would have for dinner...I said chicken, Herb said he would BBQ steaks, I said fine, less work for me...An apple pie was mentioned, I said I was thinking of berry pie...Morning just kind of "bumped" along like this, I showered, then put the black berries out to thaw...John showed up, he and Rusty were hungry, so I added to the "must go" soup, made cheese bread, cleaned up the mess and stirred sugar and tapioca into the berries.

Rusty had a project working on camp stoves for the upcoming hunting trip to Idaho with John...Herb was doing laundry and in between loads I gave him a haircut...He said he would get the apples, I said, "We just had six apple pies" He said, "I know, your apple pies are so good."...I took the pie crust (made out of bear fat) out of the fridge to soften, peeled the apples and did one of my half and half pies...This is a deep dish pie, apples, sugar and cinnamon nestled to one side then I gently laid a strip of pie crust against it and added the berries and sugar to the other side...Since this pie crust is soooo rich I carefully rolled it out and cut it into triangle shapes and decorated the top of the pie, slid it into the oven.

Now what to have with the steak?...Baked potatoes, squash and hot rolls sounded good...Dinner was wonderful and we were all so full that a "sliver" of pie was all we could manage...Rusty decided to save his for breakfast, I had berry, Herb had apple and said, "I don't care if my apple pie is red, as long as there are no seeds in it."....Hugs to All...OWAV:)

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