Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksmas Ends...21º

A Saturday night "soup supper" found us at the table, joined by Pat, Brian and Pam for a final celebration...Simple food, conversation and laughter shared with friends.

Rusty left about 7am Sunday for a week on the river, building fence and cooking for a crew...We took more time for Bobi and Ci, as they were homeward bound, making sure we checked the list over and over...A trip to the cellar where we selected jars of meat, sauerkraut, pickles, chili and assorted jams from the shelves...Chocolates and fudge were packed into flat tupperware containers (not to be smashed) and will be saved to share with friends and family the month of December.

Herb and Bobi packed the car leaving space for cut and wrapped beef to be picked up in Wallowa--a Christmas gift for the entire family for 2013...We ate leftovers for a quick breakfast as the "girls" planned a 10am departure, anticipating a shared Bozo Burger and milk shake in Boardman...With the camera set on automatic the four of us posed for our usual photo...Again I will have to mesh a picture of Rusty into the group.

Thanksmas 2012
Herb spent the day doing laundry while I "computed" away, designing calendars for each family using photos from the past year...Dinner was leftover soup and rolls as we enjoyed a cold, sunny day...peace and quiet abounds and another year draws to a close here on Barton Heights....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I can once again call Rusty my "little" brother.
