Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013...36º

Very unusual to have March going out like a lamb and April coming in like a lamb...More common here in Wallowa County is March going our as a lion and April coming in as a lion...Yesterday we made the most of this beautiful weather...Herb was outside early working on a fencing project and I was clearing the tumble weeds and unsightly debris from our yard...Blooms here and there with daffodils in bud, signs of the fern peony poking through and trees and bushes soon to leaf out...I love this time of year.

With Easter Sunday about to arrive I put a dozen eggs on to cook for deviled eggs and was wondering what we might have for dinner when the phone rang...Becky and John had a ham slow cooking on the BBQ and wondered if we would come to dinner...This last day of March we spent visiting and eating around a campfire in B & J's backyard...Close to 7pm we finally put coats on as the sun disappeared behind Chief Joseph Mountain...Our kids enjoyed a sun filled day at their homes and we a spring day in Joseph...Hugs and Happy Easter to All...OWAV:)

Yard Art

03/31/13 Sunrise

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Yesterday was a day of thinking, remembering and staring into space as I sorted through the events of the past week...Our house was empty, outside it was warming up and I needed fresh air...Aimlessly wandering through the flowerbeds I gently moved debris aside so the crocus blooms were not smushed...I love the purple, lavender, white and bright yellow patches throughout the yard...Spring in Wallowa County is a fleeting day here and there...We cherish and enjoy each and everyone as snow is also a part of our spring...Today the moon was almost full at 4am, sun is now peaking over the horizon and the forecast is saying sunny for a few days...Herb is washing sheets to hang on the line and I must get moving....Here are a few photo's to brighten your day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mixed Emotions...42º

Spring break gone in a flash...Seems like the kids just arrived and now they are packing up to leave...Rusty was up early and on his way before 7am, the girls are aiming for 10am...We've crammed a lot into this week but also had time to just visit, played lots of cards and of course our usual cooking and eating...I'm ready for them to leave, but I don't want them to go.

That's what happens in life, you raise kids to be independent, to try their wings, make their way in the world...We are so lucky that they want to return, spend time with us, help us with odd jobs and bring laughter, joy and tears for a week...We have the summer to look forward to with more visits from them.

Herb and I will rattle around in our empty house for a few days and get back in our normal routine...Crocus are blooming, Wallowa County Spring is just around the corner...Life is good...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Lemon Pie

Spring break 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mad Scramble...36º

Yesterday started off calm enough with new "Angry Birds" updated on our computers we clicked away killing the illusive pigs...Writing analysis didn't start until 9:30, so no hurry...Then Rusty said, "Aren't we going to have waffles this year?"...That's when the "Mad Scramble" began...Bacon frying, huckleberries thawing, sourdough batter on a quick rise...Five of us doing the "do si do" in our little kitchen, we sat down to waffles heaped with huckleberry compote, topped with sour cream before 9am...The others cleaned up while I browned the lamb shanks before putting them in the oven for a long slow braise for dinner...We arrived just a little late for writing class where we looked at the written word in a whole different light...Can we really see into our family & friends personalities through their handwriting?..Time will tell..A quick stop at the chocolate shop and home to share and savor dark, light, caramel, roca---Aaaah...Dinner followed with savory lamb shanks, mashed potatoes and salad.

The card games lasted until 10pm with each team winning a game...We have one more day of fun and adventure before the Kids head for home on Friday morning...Below is the last set of photo's from spring break 2012...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Cienna about to enjoy ravioli and salad

Making Ravioli

Next the lemon pie

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cleaning Out...34º

The house where we have lived for 40 years is almost 100 years old and has closets that are built into the eaves, meaning they have 4 foot doors and slope off quickly...They are full of Christmas decorations, craft supplies, fabric and treasures (games, toys and children's furniture from the 60's & 70's)...Quite well organized in plastic tubs or sturdy boxes they are out of sight and mostly out of mind...But, I worry about our kids having to deal with all of this "stuff" if it is still stored when we die...So yesterday since it is now difficult for me to climb back into these spaces, I enlisted Cienna (being of small stature) to crawl into the closets and hand boxes out to Bobi and I...Many of these toy's etc are also what I bought at yard sales in the last 14 years for Cienna...We spent time delving into each box, memories floating to the surface...Games such as Clue, Battleship, Monopoly and Twister...Lincoln Logs, Matchbox cars, Barbie dolls, Polly Pockets, Little Pony's, Mr. Potato Head and Books...Thoughts going through our heads---Are these collectors items, are they worth some money...But being realistic...These items have been played with and enjoyed, they are no longer in pristine condition begging to go to someone's collection...Also there were handmade item from both grandparents...The enjoyment, camaraderie, laughter and tears of years gone by...How do you part with stuff like that?

In the end, after sorting, dusting and reminiscing we bagged it up, labeled some for Soroptomists, some for a friend who has small children and yes we put some of it back into the closet...Some things just have to wait for another day.

Below are photo's from Spring Break 2011....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Bobi and Cienna

Uncle Rusty and Cienna ready to snowmobile 

Banana Cream Pie

Ready to head back home

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Marathon card games..32º

After a quick breakfast, Soroptomists was first on our list where we browsed in the newly remodeled store...The improved lighting, new paint and rearranged shelves give a more spacious, cleaner look to this "bargain basement store", where prices start at 25¢...Another quick stop at Grain Growers and back home via Hurricane Creek Road...At home we catch up on our computers before Bobi and I try to figure out the directions for a supposedly simple card game called "Euchre"...Soon give that up and enlist Cienna and Papa to play "Hand and Foot" with us.

Late afternoon the ground beef is thawed and Bobi does the chopping while I brown and season the burger for tacos...Then we are back playing cards until bedtime...I think Cienna finally got her fill of card playing....Photo's below are from 2010...Hugs To All...OWAV:)



Ginger, Trixie and Cienna

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunny Day...25º

We are hoping for more sunshine today...The temp is cold but we don't mind as long as the sun keeps shining on us here in Joseph...On Saturday we yard saled early morning...It was so cold that we didn't browse long...Bobi and Ci bought yarn and we hurried home to prep veggies and put the corned beef in the oven, then drove to Pat and Brian's for a nice visit before returning home to have dinner...Played some cards and off to bed...My stomach was already hurting from laughing so much...Yesterday Rusty had dinner planned, we helped with the prep and enjoyed steelhead, bacon wrapped scallops, mushrooms, rice and salad...Dessert was orange cake and lemon curd, made by Bobi...Soroptomists is on the schedule today as we have sorted and bagged our donations of books and toys.

Below are photos of Spring Break 2008...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

We invited friends and Bob taught us how to make these eggs.

Ci and her Easter Lamb

Ci and Oma, Wallowa Lake in the background

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break 2013...15º Brrrrr

Our girls arrived about 8pm last night...We had a bowl of  clam chowder and visited until Herb and I turned into pumpkins about 10pm...Have yard saling this morning and corned beef dinner tonight...Rusty arrives today...This week I will be posting photos from past spring breaks...I'm sure you will notice that Cienna is the only one getting older in these photos...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

2006 Snow

Cienna 2007

Ci and Bob '07

Friday, March 22, 2013

Blanket of Snow...20º

Yesterday afternoon heralding the first day of spring the snow came down...Of course all of it didn't stick and it won't last long and was beautiful in its own way...Been better if we weren't so ready for spring...This morning we look out on a blanket of snow with the suns magic rays adding diamonds everywhere...It is cold and supposed to remain so for most of the week of spring break!

Yesterday Herb and I did our annual trip to Lostine and picked up our tax packet, done for another year...Stopped at Safeway to stock up on groceries for the coming week...I had an acupuncture treatment before we arrived back home...Don't know what Amy did different yesterday but the few needles she put in "knocked" me out...Felt like I had been run over by a truck, managed to stay up until 9pm reading, then slept for nearly 10 hours...So this morning I should be raring to go.

I have sourdough working to make bread, a noon luncheon at Josephy Center where we get the scoop on being docents or volunteering in some other way to support the Center...Then home to do a whirlwind cleaning before Bobi and Ci arrive from Portland...Clam chowder and hot rolls is on the  dinner menu tonight...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What to Write?...26º

Words on paper...We were taught in grammar school to carefully print our letters on lined tablets made for just this purpose...We gradually moved on to cursive letters and practiced them on the same tablets... Then we learned to write joining letters together to make a word and several words to make a sentence...I think that writing years ago was an art form and something people were very proud of...The art of the written word has digressed over the years...First along came the manual typewriter that I learned on, then the electric typewriter followed and with the advent of computers writing became more obsolete...I for one never had "nice" handwriting, more like "chicken scratch"...Coupled with my lack of spelling skills I much prefer the computer method, everything nice and neat with spell check at my finger tips.

My first class in "handwriting analysis" started yesterday, only three of us attended and we were soon busy writing a sample sentence then measuring "strokes" on each letter then measuring again to get the "slant" of the letter...The two hour class zipped by and I made little headway in measuring but did much better on the quiz...Pat kept saying, "The measuring part is tedious, but you will get it, you just have to practice."...Sounds just like a teacher I had in grade school!..Now I need peoples writing to practice on but since people don't write anymore I will have to get inventive in procuring samples...Huuuummmm.... Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cloudy Day...35º

Back in the groove...Yesterday was a day to reconnect to my real world after a month on the road...Write People was entertaining as usual, lots of discussion, catching up and eating...Janie and Pat surprised us with a lovely salad and dessert (lemon pudding cake) lunch...Pat and I caught up on the news then drove to Alder Slope and the garden club meeting...We basked in the warm green houses and checked out the newly sprouted flowers and veggies.

Arrived home to find Herb taking a much needed nap, resting up after all the fetch and carry stuff of unloading the car, doing many loads of laundry and all the trips up and down our basement stairs...Plus the frustration of a smoking wood stove...John called us (after Becky read yesterdays blog) to see if he could be of help with the chimney...Didn't take Herb long to remove the stove pipe again, get the ladder in place and the chimney brush ready...John climbed on the roof, cleared out the chimney and now our wood stove is again heating the house.

Today I have my first class in Graphoanalysis, The art of judging of a person's character, disposition, and aptitude from his handwriting; also called graphology...Should be interesting and fun, never to late to learn new skills.

Tomorrow I'm thinking maybe we will pick up our taxes in Lostine, shop for groceries and I have an acupuncture treatment at noon...I'm feeding the sour dough start and plan to make bread on Friday also have to think about food and meals for the coming week...Tatiana is having a yard sale on Saturday and Sunday so Pat and I will have to check that out...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Unpacking, settling in...23º

Things are unpacked and mostly put away...Herb did laundry all day yesterday keeping us in clean clothes for both winter and spring...Weather is more winter like but with moments of blue sky and sun...The garlic is sprouted in the garden, pussy willows are awake and daffodils pushing through the frozen ground...I never cease to be amazed as things come back to life after the long winter and I eagerly await the blooms to follow.

I stayed home from book group yesterday but Pat took a box of lemons to share and had no trouble finding homes for them...Another spring time treat as lemon pie will be on the menu for spring break...Today I will go to Write People as my head seems to be much less congested and haven't decided if I will attend Garden Club this afternoon at the local nursery on Alder Slope...My heart is saying "yes" go and see new plants for this year and connect with friends that I haven't seen since September...Common sense say "stay home" because I have a class on Wednesday morning and acupuncture Thursday at noon...Grocery shopping to do and bread to make...I'm feeling better...I should be able to make it all work.

Our wood stove is still giving Herb fits as it continued to smoke yesterday and again this morning...He has cleaned pipes and stove to no avail, must be partially clogged where he can't reach...The furnace continues to work just fine, so we are warm and comfy...Herb is frustrated because I'm saying please don't go on the roof as common sense says wait for Rusty to arrive, after all isn't that why we had kids, so they can help us in these "golden years"?

I must get moving as I sorted mail yesterday and we have bills that are waiting to be paid...The sun is out now as the day looms ahead...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home...26º--Snow

We left Sedona Saturday morning 3:30am...Uneventful trip as our Subaru zipped along over mountains and then desert roads...We covered over 700 miles and stopped at Jackpot Nevada for a buffet dinner at one of the casino's and a short night at a motel...The room was decent and not stinky...We only walked through the casino to get to dinner so stayed out of the smoky atmosphere...Up at 4am, cold and windy, drove through a snow storm before hitting the freeway at Twin Falls, Idaho, a few snow squalls on the way but didn't slow us down as we arrived home, 12 noon in Joseph...Spent the afternoon unloading the car, fixed patty melts for dinner, took showers and hit the pillow about 7pm Sunday night.

Monday AM:  Herb was up early and has been working on the chimney for our wood stove as it plugged up yesterday and kind of filled our house with smoke before he could get it shut down and the wood outside...He has the problem fixed, some lemons sorted...Although we tried to leave our stuffy heads, coughs, sneezes behind they have stayed with us...So today we will stay home and continue with putting more stuff away and planning the rest of the week before the "kids" arrive on Friday...I have all kinds of meeting, classes etc this week but will play it by ear as to what I try to do...Now I must get moving and at least get dressed for the day...Hugs To All....OWAV:)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sedona Last Day...50º

It has been close to a perfect week here at Sedona; Weather, scenery, comfortable condo, pools, hot tubs and mostly quiet...A good place to soak up the sun and warm air, also nurse our stuffy heads and hope we can leave them behind in Arizona...Today we start the ritual of gathering our stuff, making sure not to leave anything else behind.

Herb mentioned that he would fuel up the car today so I said good, maybe we can check out any yard sale signs we see...I got the raised eyebrow look but know he will humor me...It is clouding up a bit so might not be so good to sit at the pool...We will see.

Yesterday we spent several hours at the pool, found our favorite spot under a flowering tree that offers some shade and sun where we read and watched a family of four kids---ages 4 to 14 (I think)...The youngest a boy quite spoiled, hyper and a hand full...He stopped for only a brief rest now and them otherwise he was continually moving at high speed, in or out of the pool...Mom laid in the sun while the older kids rode herd on him...Actually he entertained himself quite well and the only thing that bothered me was the speed when he ran around the pool...I cringed waiting for him to trip and take a header on the rough surface...Obviously he had never been told that you do not run at the pool!

I tried a recipe for lemon bars that I found on the net...Touted as very lemony, not sickly sweet...Even for Herb and I they are a little too tart and think I will try the recipe again with some cream cheese, whipped and folded in before they are baked...The only baking dish in the condo was a 9 X 12 so I used a casserole dish for a half batch.

Lemon Bars

Time for me to get moving, maybe the yard sale signs are sprouting...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Hugs To All....OWAV:)

Out for a Walk

Red Rock Wall Natural


Flowering Bush

Flowering Tree above my head at the pool.

Man Made Rock Wall

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pool time...Warm

"Ridge at Sedona" is located on a ridge of red rock common in this northern Arizona country...Part of it is ridge and part sidehill...Paths and stairs built into the hill lead us from our condo to the hot tub situated on a flat spot amid bushes and trees...Farther down the hill by a winding steep path is a large heated pool with another hot tub off in one corner...Yesterday morning Herb and I found two lounge chairs at the pool with both sun and shade, laid out our towels then tested the waters, warm and very hot...Dried off in the sun reading and relaxing...About noon a large family arrived with a picnic lunch ready for a good time...We kid watched for awhile as they were having a great time but soon sought the solitude of the upper hot tub then returned to our condo for showers and time on our patio...Our time in Sedona will mostly be spent soaking up the warm rays in preparation for our return to Joseph's infamous spring weather...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

                               Bell Rock is located in the Sedona district Village of Oak Creek on scenic Highway 179 (also known as Red Rock Scenic Byway)
             Just one of the many scenic views

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Three Little Pigs...54º

We had visitors early this morning...I was up but still had the drapes pulled waiting for it to get light...Herb was just getting up and looked out the bedroom window and said, "Come see the Peccaries." The photo's are taken in the BBQ area right outside our patio and there were three of them one is behind the fenced path that leads to the hot tub...They were looking for leftovers from last nights BBQers and are very common in this area...They are also called Javelina's.

We did some thrift shopping yesterday but it is kind of like mushroom hunting in Wallowa County, didn't find anything!..Back at the Condo we fixed burgers for dinner and soaked up more sun...I shared my stuffed up head with Herb so we bought a box of soft, strong, lotion filled kleenex to also share...Glad we can be outside in the sunshine to help us get over this bug...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lazy Day...44º

Sun starts coming up about 7am here...Arizona is one of two states (Hawaii is the other) that doesn't go on daylight savings time so when we arrive back in Joseph this Sunday our watches will be on the correct time...No adjustment for us.

Yesterday we went out early to see what shops are close by, then on to a small outlet mall that has opened here since we last visited...I'm not wild about outlet malls and have been to two of them in three days...I visited the kitchen store again while Herb walked around the mall...Enough of that.

Back at the condo we changed into swimsuits for a trip to the hot tub...First I called the front desk to inquire about what chemicals they use in their hot tubs...Many years ago when we purchased a hot tub I quickly found out that I was allergic to bromine (chemical like chlorine only longer lasting)...It has been several years since we have hot tubbed and when we arrived at Cave Creek last week we took a relaxing soak in the hot tub after a long day...Two days later I was broke out with small itchy blisters and thought "bedbugs", "fleas"???? Then somewhere in this almost empty head of mine a thought came out..." Bromine, hot tub!..That is the chemical of choice at CC, but here at Sedona they use chlorine so it shouldn't be a problem...We enjoyed our soak in the hot tub a short ways away from our condo then sat on our patio in the sun to dry off and soak up more sun...We had nacho's for our dinner and since I'm still fighting a stuffy head we read the afternoon away...Talked to Rusty and Bobi yesterday and look forward to having them in Joseph shortly after we arrive home...It is spring break for Cienna....Must get moving...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


SURPRISE!!.I'm connected, just couldn't imagine not having the internet...So I pulled up Safari and it asked if I wanted to join AT and T...I could get 24 hour blocks for $6.95 or I could get 7 days for $29.95...I took the bargain (of course) and we are connected in our condo all week...Sure glad it is a nice condo as it is cold out there this morning...Promise of temps in the 70's this week...So we can spent mornings and evenings inside and the warmer days exploring the countryside.

Back to yesterday....We left Cave Creek for the outlet malls after 10am, rainy and threatening snow...Wasted time there bought a coffee pot and soon were on our way to Sedona...Rain and snow but nothing sticking....We were able to get an early checkin and are staying outside of Sedona at "The Ridge on Sedona Golf Resort"...A newer upscale complex...Our one bedroom condo is 800 square feet, nicely arranged and comfy, with a full kitchen, living/dining room and a decent view and of course a bathroom with a great shower...Sun is coming up and sky is very blue....Herb has laundry going and is fixing me a hot lemonade (I'm still fighting a sore throat/cold) and our breakfast.

Yesterday after we checked in we reacquainted ourselves with the town...It is very spread out has a definite east and west side with no cross roads in between...Lots of roundabouts for intersections...Bought a few groceries and decided to eat out for a change...It was a bad change and should cure us of eating out for the rest of the stay here....Hugs to all...OWAV:)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Last Day at Cave Creek...41º

Up at 4am this morning as M & J wanted an early start going back home to SLC...They packed last night and loaded the car with everything but a backpack, themselves, water bottles and hot herbal tea for the road...It has been a great week here at Cave Creek...It is a small resort, clean, quiet with nice atmosphere...Yesterday we awoke to rain, wind and cold temperatures...We talked about going out for our last dinner to save Mona and I from having to cook again but instead we decided to check out the thrift stores here in CC and then we shopped at Safeway for rib steaks...We kept it simple with garlic bread, steak, green salad and later ice cream and cake...Herb was able to grill the steaks between rain storms and M & I fixed the rest, using up groceries here in the condo...(Less for us to pack up and take to Sedona)...It is always a challenge cooking in a condo but this one is well stocked and our groceries are disappearing as we move into our last week...We played our last round of "Hand and Foot" with the guys coming back to beat us soundly the last two nights.

Sedona is still under a weather watch today...We have to check out of CC by 11am and can't check in at the Ridge at Sedona (about a two hour drive from here) until 4pm...So the plan is to take our time this morning packing up and loading the car...With the weather cold we have to find something inside to do....So will drive back toward Phoenix where there is an outlet mall and spend time there looking around and shopping for a new coffee pot as ours at home was trying to die!..I will call the Sedona Resort this morning and find out just what the snow situation is and if it will be possible to check in early...Anyway I look at it, it will be a long day!..It was great last week when we could spend the day at a ballgame...We are not much on movies but I'll be on the lookout for a theater...Hugs to All...OWAV:) Saguaro Cactus on the hills surround our condo:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ballgame, Lemons & Pies...Rainy-36º

Having problems with the internet at Villas of Cave Creek...Resorted :) to poolside activity of first sun then shade but didn't get in the water...It is nice just to be out in the warm air and knew we had to soak up what sun we could as rain was in the forecast...At 7am Friday it is pouring rain outside and supposed to get snow in Sedona tomorrow just as we start our week there...Luckily it is not going to last and looks like we will get sun the first of next week...Okay enough of the weather.

On Wednesday we went to a ballgame at Salt River Fields (Talking Stick) home of the AZ Diamond Backs playing KC Royals...We had seats in the shade, game not too exciting, score was KC 7 AZ 1 when we left in the 7th inning...None the less, it was an enjoyable outing...From there Jerry drove us to his cousins house to visit and have dinner...AND pick lemons, we picked 2 large boxes plus bags full of the biggest most beautiful lemons ever...Back to the condo at about 10pm.

We had a spaghetti dinner yesterday and of course lemon pie for dessert...Yummy...That brings us up to today as we start preparing to pack up...Maybe we will check out the thrift shops here in Cave Creek this rainy morning...M & J will leave for SLC tomorrow and we will be on our way to Sedona...Blog will be sporadic next week as the condo there doesn't offer free WIFI....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Ball Park

M & J

H & D

Pie R Squared (No pie plates in condo)

Blooming Rosemary bush outside our door.
(Just for you Pat)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lemons, Oranges and Grapefruit...54º

3/6/13...Jerry and Matilda (GPS) chauffeured us to the Eastside of Phoenix where a friend of Jerry's Stepmother had citrus trees in her back yard...We quickly filled several sacks and boxes of mostly lemons and a few oranges and grapefruits...Nothing like tree ripened sun-kissed citrus to take back to the snowy valleys of SLC and Wallowa County.

We stopped at a Sams Club to get info on Jerry's cell phone and of course did a little shopping while there...M & J found Angel food cake, strawberries and raspberries...We returned to Cave Creek in time to soak up some sun at the pool...Clouds moved in so after a couple of hours we were back inside fixing hamburgers for dinner and strawberry shortcake for later in the evening...Our condo cools off in the evening so we turned on the heat and started a log in the fireplace for some atmosphere while we read or played on the computers until bedtime...No card games last night.

3/7/13...This is being posted a day late because of slow internet...We had a long day yesterday, went to a ballgame, picked MORE lemons at Jerry's cousins and had dinner at their house...Didn't get back to the Condo until 10pm..Slept until 8am this morning so I will write a post for today later this afternoon...Hugs To All..OWAV:)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cave Creek...47º

We arrived at Cave Creek Saturday afternoon after the ballgame...Hauled everything from the cars around a winding path to our front door, enclosed patio and a lovely 2 bedroom villa...M & J are upstairs and H & I in the master suite with hot tub outside the sliding glass doors...Everyone changes into swimsuits and we are soon soaking our weary bodies in the hot tub...This vacationing is very exhausting...Sunday we drive back to Phoenix and the Arizona Theatre to watch the matinee performance of "The Buddy Holley Story"...A high energy performance of singing and dancing with a huge cast of performers...We have yet to be disappointed in a show seen here...Back in Cave Creek M & I fixed pizza and green salad for our dinner before an early bedtime.

Villa's of Cave Creek

Our Villa

Our Condo here is Spanish theme with stucco finish...Walls enclosing each Casa...The Condo itself is spacious with high ceilings open to the upstairs...A convenient and well-stocked kitchen...Sunday after the play we stock up on a few essential groceries such as bottled water and cherry pie and ice cream...Herb BBQ's steak while M & I fix baked potatoes and salad...Jerry sets the table and fixes our ice water.

Monday morning we cruise Cave Creek (cowboy and junk oriented and pubs) and the city of Care Free (art galleries and high priced restaurants) looking for resale shops...Monday is closed day so we return to the condo, change into suits and lounge at the pool until dinner time...A small pool but it is heated to 85º a comfortable temperature...Dinner is stuffed peppers and potato salad...Then card games before we put a log in the fireplace to visit until bedtime.

Della at the pool

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog in Photos...48º---75º

By Phoenix standards it wasn't a very hot day at 85º but for us Northerners sitting in the full sun of the ball park we were plenty warm...We slathered ourselves with sunscreen, dispensers provided for fans  in the public restrooms...The ballpark was crowded but we were welcomed at a table in the shade...We enjoyed our visit with Warren Weaver and his Mom while we dined on ballpark fare of "Polish Dogs" before taking our seats in the stadium...Fans surrounding us were mostly adamant Mariner fans and we were just there to root for a good play by either team...We enjoyed our day...Left a little early to avoid the crazy parking lot with everyone leaving at once...J & M's car has built-in GPS and once he plugs in the addresses it does a great job of taking us to our destination...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Peoria Ball Park--Mariners & Dodgers

Jerry and Mona

Della and Herb

Warren Weaver

Warren and Proud Mother