Things are unpacked and mostly put away...Herb did laundry all day yesterday keeping us in clean clothes for both winter and spring...Weather is more winter like but with moments of blue sky and sun...The garlic is sprouted in the garden, pussy willows are awake and daffodils pushing through the frozen ground...I never cease to be amazed as things come back to life after the long winter and I eagerly await the blooms to follow.
I stayed home from book group yesterday but Pat took a box of lemons to share and had no trouble finding homes for them...Another spring time treat as lemon pie will be on the menu for spring break...Today I will go to Write People as my head seems to be much less congested and haven't decided if I will attend Garden Club this afternoon at the local nursery on Alder Slope...My heart is saying "yes" go and see new plants for this year and connect with friends that I haven't seen since September...Common sense say "stay home" because I have a class on Wednesday morning and acupuncture Thursday at noon...Grocery shopping to do and bread to make...I'm feeling better...I should be able to make it all work.
Our wood stove is still giving Herb fits as it continued to smoke yesterday and again this morning...He has cleaned pipes and stove to no avail, must be partially clogged where he can't reach...The furnace continues to work just fine, so we are warm and comfy...Herb is frustrated because I'm saying please don't go on the roof as common sense says wait for Rusty to arrive, after all isn't that why we had kids, so they can help us in these "golden years"?
I must get moving as I sorted mail yesterday and we have bills that are waiting to be paid...The sun is out now as the day looms ahead...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
What job are you saving for Ci and I?