Monday, July 1, 2013

"Summer Shuffle"...64º

It was a Sunday to "chill" on the deck...Both Herb and I worked outside early morning getting chores done for the day as the temperature climbed into the 90's by afternoon...A friend stopped by for garlic scapes and a tour of the garden around noon...After that we moved around the deck keeping in the shade of the aspens...Late afternoon Herb set up the rain bird sprinkler on the lawn in front of the deck...Maybe it is my imagination but I think it gives a cooling effect with the sprinkler running...Staying outside as long as possible I moved one last time, scooting my chair to the last shady spot...Little did I know that under the deck was a yellow jacket nest and the bouncing motion I made brought them swarming out...Thank goodness only one of them got me on the top of my foot before I made a hasty retreat to the house...I slathered the sting with water and meat tenderizer to take away the pain and had no other ill effects...Herb has sprayed with wasp killer and maybe will have to take a board off of the deck to make sure no more are lurking under there.

This morning because of the high temperatures, we are doing what I call the "summer shuffle"...We open windows and doors up at night, turn on the fans to bring in the cool air and by 10am this morning we will have everything closed up to keep the cool air in the house and make it livable for the afternoon...Late afternoon Herb turns on the furnace fan in the basement and it blows the cool air from the basement into the ground floor..By doing this the house stays pretty cool and livable.

I will be the afternoon docent at the Josephy Center today so I must get moving and take care of the chores outside...Another day in the 90's...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS..Looks like a hornet nest after Herb got the board up and turned over on the deck...Now it has been well sprayed with wasp killer...Sure glad they showed themselves before our kids get here for a visit!!!!!

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