Thursday, September 5, 2013


Melodious sounds, chimes in the distance, wind across my face from an open window...My mind fights through the fog of sleep as I drift in and out...The room goes from dark to light followed by the crack of thunder, then the pounding rain, it is the wee hours of the morning...I'm awake now luxuriating in the warm bed, the smell of rain, the breeze, the rumble in the distance...Please, return to sleep...My mind has other issues, thoughts creep in like the pesky fly that now flits around my face, hands and computer screen...I swat, I threaten with death but it remains, just like the niggling thoughts running through my mind...I let them surface, bubble, push them down, they return, just like the fly.

A friend of mine I think, was born kind, that kindness was nurtured, she was taught to think of others before herself...Over the years happiness has come her way because she finds contentment within, not always looking for others to bring her joy...People seek her out because she is grounded, approachable, gentle in nature...Sometimes, maybe, they ask to much of her...Can she share her ease of life, let them borrow the quick smile that comes to her face, "please bring me joy as well," they say.

Asking too much of a person brings out a different side...Irritation, a frown as she balks at their self-absorption...Her mind wonders, "Why do you think only of yourself?"...Is it too late for them to learn that happiness comes from within?..Being happy in the place you are and not looking for a place or person to make you happy...Happiness will come to you, when, you bring joy to others.

Shades of pink lighten the eastern sky, dawn breaks on Barton Heights...Smile at a stranger today, I'll bet they smile back...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

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