Thursday, October 10, 2013

Looking Cold/Wet...35º

Yesterday was perfect weather for cooking and baking...A good nights sleep had followed a fun but exhausting day with the "Write People"...Chicken noodle soup was on the menu and the cold/wet weather called for cinnamon rolls...The roll dough was soon mixed and set aside to raise while I stirred up a 2 egg batch of noodle dough, that would be enough for todays soup and some to freeze, for another day...I suppose all of you have figured out that I have a love affair with "dough"...I love the way it feels in my hands, whether it is stiff stretchy dough for bread, that snaps and crackles when I punch it down or the soft, airy dough of yesterdays cinnamon rolls...While the roll dough raised, using the rolling pin I rolled out the noodle dough into three large circles, stacked the circles, rolled them into a cylinder and with my bench knife quickly cut them into noodles about 2" in length...Set them to dry a bit and turned to the roll dough.

The dough had risen to fill the large tupperware bowl...I floured the marble before gently easing the dough from the bowl...Then with floured hands and a soft touch I stretched, lifted and patted it into place, covering the 18 X 24 marble slab...No need to use a rolling pin with dough this delicate...Next came the thin layer of soft butter spread on top, then a layer of brown sugar...I was so enthralled and taken with this dough and the beauty of it all, at that point, I quickly rolled, sliced and placed them in the pan to raise before baking and finished making the pot of chicken noodle soup.

The smell of dough baking filled the house...I lifted the pan out of the oven admiring my work...One of the rolls had oozed over the side of the pan begging me to sample it...My mouth started to water as I gently broke off the small piece, dipped it into the frosting and into my mouth...OH Darn!  I forgot the cinnamon...No sense crying...Cinnamon was mixed with a little powdered sugar, sprinkled over the rolls, it slid into the cracks...A layer of butter cream frosting over the top and except for the frosting turning a light brown they taste very much like cinnamon rolls and I'm sure they will get eaten...Hugs To All...OWAV:)


  1. A senior moment? How did the no knead turn out?

  2. Just got two cocky again...Noknead was flat, crunchy...Dad's not complaining.
