Usually my blathering comes easy, but this morning the mind is blank...The ink well has dried up...The keyboard is stuck...The pencil is but a stub...Am I in a funk?
I have things on my schedule today...Pat and I will fix trays of finger food for tonights opening at the Josephy Center, "Native American Art Show" and we will meet Pam there at 7pm to visit and enjoy the show.
Yesterday I did send my essay to Katey, fixed a nice dinner and started reading a decent book..."The Ordinary Truth" by Jana Richman...It is definitely not a page turner and for my taste they are taking way too long to get to the meat of the story...No problem because I have another book waiting to be picked up at the Joseph Library...At this stage of my life I don't waste much time trying to find the "story" between the pages...So it better get more interesting really quick...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
Have you read "A Death in the Family"? It's not a happy story but it won a Pulitzer Prize for fiction and has beautiful language. I listened to it on tape so it might have been easier than reading it myself.........