Saturday, May 31, 2014


A few warm days are in the forecast and I have many jobs waiting to be done...Our flowerbeds are made up of perennials and the planters on the deck have an array of annuals that will bloom all summer, that is if I keep them deadheaded and fertilized...I will finish planting annuals today, then Herb can stain the deck...We still have the rest of the veggie garden to plant, windows to wash and more...Spring jobs never seem to end...I must take a walk before it gets too warm and then get to work...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Lilacs and Trollius

Leaves on rhubarb, some are 18 to 24 inches

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sweet Memories...33º

I snapped photos of the Minam/Wallowa, Canyon/River yesterday as Herb navigated the curves...This stretch of road has become very familiar to us in the past 40 years and I for one never get tired of it, whether I'm driving or a passenger...For fifteen years I drove it at least once a month after Mom moved to Elgin...We did her shopping, doctors appointments, worked in her gardens and canned endless jars of pickles, fruit and meat...We laughed and cried as we reminisced about old times...They were good years, years to savor, remember and cherish...She has been gone for 9 years now but her memory is still alive and especially when we drive through Elgin...Occasionally I drive by her little house but it has fallen into disrepair, doesn't look like anyone loves it anymore, although some of her flowers still bloom where she planted them...So mostly I keep my memories, dig in the dirt, plant more flowers, savor my own blooms and remember her daily but especially on May 28th...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wallowa River

Lupines in bloom near Elgin

Mom was 42, I was 10
Mom, 90 yrs old

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring Outing...46º

Spending time in the Imnaha River Canyon has become a spring time ritual...Janies cabin on Big Sheep Creek and Pam's River House on the Imnaha River are shared with our Write People for a day of reading, writing, eating and visiting...The canyons are green and lush, fresh from spring rains...Flowering trees and bushes in full bloom, fill the air with their fragrance...Yesterday found us at The River House.

Pam welcomes us with the river in the background.

Their newest project "A Sauna"

 In the orchard

It is hard to take it all in as we tour the lovely grounds, Pams garden and the orchard...All of this surrounded by a rock wall that Pam and Skip have built over the years.

Rimrocks above the river


Planter on the deck

It was a little cooler than we had expected so we opted for the warmth of the cabin, away from the roar of the river to read and discuss our stories...At lunch time we moved outside to the deck for food and conversation...The hours flew by and in no time at all we grudgingly gathered our belongings, said our goodbyes and made our way out of the canyon and back on top to Joseph...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Busy Week...49º

Our friend "Tater" spent the weekend with us, while Becky and John visited family in Riggins, Idaho...We have been Tate's dog sitters since he was just a little guy and a lap dog...Now he is a "big boy" but still likes attention and would climb into my lap given the chance...He was good company for Herb as they made many trips working on the ditch water...He is content to stay with us for a few days, never leaving our yard and we enjoy having him knowing that he will be going home soon.

A busy week for us as I have Write People in Imnaha today at Pam's lovely cabin on the river...Tomorrow we go to LaGrande for my regular eye check up...More digging in the flowerbeds and planting in the vegetable garden, later in the week...I planted the 18 cabbage plants Sunday so we can replenish our supply of sauerkraut...Herb is outside this morning giving our fruit trees their annual spray to keep them worm free!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Saga of an "Irrigation Ditch."

This little ditch has many stories...It has been revered, cursed, rerouted, used for irrigation and also as entertainment for children of all ages...The gurgling sound lulls me to sleep at night as it flows past our bedroom window...It runs for approximately 6 months out of every year...We pump water for irrigation as do our Barton Heights neighbors...This little ditch is hardly noticeable, and has been the scene of many mishaps...People unaware of its presence have been known to drive into the ditch or fall into the ditch...Luckily no one has been injured, just aggravated and embarrassed.

Forty one years ago, when we moved to Barton Heights, we didn't take much notice of the ditch but water magically appeared every spring and disappeared every fall as Kirk Hayes did his job as keeper of the ditch...Herb cleaned our part of the ditch and we lined it with heavy timbers to make mowing around it easier...Now it has fallen to Herb and other neighbors to care for the ditch...It has become a spring ritual, making repairs to the small dam and head gate, directing water into the ditch, cleaning the ditch and adjusting the flow...Herb has spent the past week making trips on the 4-wheeler to the head gate...He carries a shovel, rake, axe and other tools...First the ditch is a trickle, then a stream and then as someone else is also "messing" with the ditch it becomes a muddy, raging torrent as they dump more water into our ditch...And so it goes, another trip to the head gate, more adjustments made and this morning the water is running smoothly, ready for us to connect our pump.

Yesterday Herb hauled hoses to the pasture, filling the old bath tub, giving the animals fresh drinking water...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

"Tate" the dog, helping Herb 

"Will" the llama, always curious

Looking for more grass after a refreshing drink.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Memorial weekend is early this year, officially celebrated tomorrow, Monday May 26th...It is the time in Wallowa County for high school graduations, family reunions and a time to remember departed family members and war veterans...It is also a time to celebrate the resurgence of spring with trees fully leafed out, blooms everywhere and the humming birds have arrived...Memorial weekend, here in the county, it is tradition to plant vegetable gardens.

As a child my family spent Memorial Day (my Mom always called it "Decoration Day") driving to the cemetery in Woodruff, Utah, where their 2 year old son was buried...Lilacs had been picked and placed in 3 pound coffee cans (small amount of water in the can) along with apple blossoms, tulips and anything else we could find to add to the bouquets...I remember it as a very long trip, made worse by the overpowering smell of flowers and a windy road, as my sister and I sat in the back seat surrounded by blooms and me growing more pale with each passing mile.

May was also a month to celebrate birthdays for our family and today I remember my brother George, on what would have been his 83rd birthday.

George 18 yrs old

Yesterday Herb and I attended a memorial service at the "Prairie Creek" cemetery for Dorothy Keener, one of the first people we met when moving to Joseph, 41 years ago...It was a small crowd as the Keeners have lived in Clarkston, Washington for the past 20 years and very few of the old time Forest Service people are still living in the county...Art and sons and many grandchildren were there to share memories of Dorothy...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Lilacs and Memories

Friday, May 23, 2014


I took a break from gardening yesterday afternoon and spent time with friends gathered around a small table, lakeside, playing cards...I'm still a novice player so when I was dealt a "double run"(dream hand) I wasn't sure what to do...My friends said, " Just bid!".

It was a fun afternoon but I was itching to get outside...Durning a break between games and dessert I stood outside on the deck and my mind went back over 20 years when this lake "Wallowa Lake" was our family's playground...From 1974 to 1984 we spent weekends, evenings and more, water skiing, picnicing, fishing, swimming and sunbathing from our boat or our private dock on the lake...Other weekends we hauled the boat and tent over the "Wallowa Mountain Loop Road" to the snake river and its miles of reservoirs "Brownlee, Oxbow and Hells Canyon"...Here we also skied, fished and camped where the water was warmer and Herb's Dad could join us...Such memories, those were the days!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


May mornings have been incredible the past few days...Cool, but warm enough to enjoy as I snap a few photos before leaving for a walk...I worked outside in the morning then had an acupuncture appointment in the afternoon...Tried some deck sitting but big puffy clouds chased me back in the house as a cooling breeze wafted about.

Tim and Debbie brought ram lambs and Will the llama to "mow" down our small pasture...We enjoy watching their antics as they romp and play...Will is alway on alert, ears up listening and as he checks out the deer on the other side of the fence...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Time for a break...46º

My writing has been on a downhill slide for some months, especially concerning my memoir...My stomach would tie in knots everytime I pulled up an essay to work on and it seemed that my rewrites were worse than the original...I kept getting the feeling that I needed a break and Katey agreed...For the next few months edits and rewrites have been put on hold...Lets hope that after a summer off, working in the yard and taking in the view from our deck, I can go at it with renewed vigor...In the meantime I will continue with my blathering on "OWAV" taking more photos as the blooms continue to open, changing our landscape every few weeks.

I was out last evening spraying the stinky "liquid deer fence" and found evidence where the deer had been sampling the columbine, one of their favorites and the next to bloom...Trolius, forget me knots and leopards bane is blooming, poppies, peonies and iris are in bud...Apple trees are in full bloom...I love this time of year and intend to enjoy every moment...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lazy Sunday/Busy Week...41º

Off and running this morning with book group at 10am and Josephy Center docent at noon...Tomorrow is write people with wildflower talk following...Thursday I've been invited to play pinochle...Pat is gone for the week and thinks I need to walk for both of us, so with the flowerbeds to take care of and meals to cook, I won't have much time to be lazy...Looks like we have some sunny days in the forecast!...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Busy day yesterday, started with planting bulbs and took in a few yardsales before stopping at the track for a two mile walk...Returned home to mix roll dough and prep chicken wings before doing buffalo style and sweet BBQ wings for Beckys birthday celebration...Also made a pan of cinnamon rolls for Pat and Brians 40th wedding anniversary coming up on Monday.

The birthday/potluck/bbq party with Beckys family was fun and a beautiful evening visiting around the bonfire held in their backyard...We roasted marshmellow and ate ice cream bars instead of the tradition birthday cake...H and I were home early and left the younger group to finish the celebration.

Looking outside I think the forecasted rain has started...This might be a cozy day in the house, spent reading and computering...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Birthday Girl

Becky and John

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Photo Blog...45º

The last few days have been busy...Working in the yard, yardsaling, sharing meals with friends and spending spare moments on the deck...Herb spent all day yesterday "chasing water."  We have a small irrigation ditch on Barton Heights and each spring the water must be diverted into it for our summer irrigation and it takes him many trips with the 4-wheeler, shovels and rakes to get the job done...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Fern Peony almost full bloom

One bloom with a huge bumble bee inside. (click to enlarge photo)

Taco Salad

Lunch at Pats lovey cabin.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Any amount of walking is good but Pat and I are trying to map out a route of about 2 miles for our almost daily walks...We like having "up and down terrain," amazing views, away from traffic and not to far away from home...I have a pedometer, but it seems to not be working properly...Yesterday we huffed and puffed our way around Iwetemlykin for 1 1/2 hours and it read 1 1/2 miles...Now we are old and we are slow (especially me) but I think the pedometer got tired before we did and took a break.

We have some serious goals in mind; Me being able to walk up a moderate hill without gasping for breath and walking to the top of the moraine before summer is over (I'm thinking we might need to pack a lunch for this one.) Also I read in last nights paper that the gondola is opening this weekend and they are offering special rates for Senior Citizens of Wallowa County...Half price tickets and ride as many times as you wish in one day...Maybe later in the summer (after the snow melts on top of Mt Howard) we can ride the gondola and hike the trails up there...I use to do that with Cienna when she came for her summer visit...Enought blathering, the weeds are calling, I must get outside...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS,..I have extra rhubarb for free if anyone wants some.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mid Week...45º

Looking at the date as I started this blog, it brought back fond memories of my dad...This photo is how I mostly remember him...Always in bib overalls, usually on his John Deere tractor, smoking a cigarette and always wearing a hat...Although he usually had on a regular hat, not a baseball cap...He was a hardworking man, with a twinkle in his eye...Always helping neighbors, friends and family...He loved all mankind but especially little children...He died when he was only 54 years old of pancreatic cancer, I was 19...Over 50 years later he is still missed by those of us who knew and loved him...He was born May 14 1907.

An early walk yesterday changed directions when a PE class was using the track...We took a grassy path around Joseph Charter School, down the hill and up E street to the main highway, back down College street to our cars and then to Write People...A quiet meeting with just 4 of us...Lunch at "Old Town Cafe" where we sat outside to enjoy the sun.

Later in the afternoon about 17 people gathered for Garden Club as Beth Gibbons gave us the history of starting her "Backyard Gardens," a "Farmers Market" and her own "Catering Business." She now farms over two acres of gardens scattered around Joseph and another 1/4 acre near Imnaha...She employs 3 people plus herself from mid April to November.

I finished my day deadheading daffodils and soaking up the sun on the deck...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hectic Tuesday...36º

Yesterday found P and I at "The Park", walking the trails, taking in the views and catching up on each other news...An added bonus was the sighting of a fox, that got us to wondering if the babies have been born yet...The fox we saw looked like a parent and we assumed it was the male and imagined that the mom was back in the den taking care of the little ones or waiting impatiently to give birth...Some days we are the only people on the trails, but yesterday many people were out walking and enjoying the beautiful day here in Wallowa County.

I stopped in at the Alpine House to visit my friend Jane, only to find that she is in the hospital for a few days...Seems her heart was acting up a bit...Friends Carol and Gayle stopped by Barton Heights for a short visit and we cut them an armful of rhubarb to take home.

On todays agenda is a possible walk before Write People and afterward the monthly meeting of Garden Club...It should be interesting as we will visit "Backyard Gardens," touring Beth's green houses and spring gardens...Plus we get to visit with friends that we seldom see in the winter months...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Spring Days...34º

A relaxing Mothers Day, kids checked in via facetime and chat...Herb and I with our usual Sunday duties spent most of the day inside our warm house...We managed to put a lovely dinner of finger steaks, risotto, fresh asparagus and rhubarb cake on the table, with me doing the cooking and he the cleanup.

Looking at the calendar this week; We are sending birthday wishes to son-in-law Stan and I have write people and a garden club meeting tomorrow...Nothing else happening except the sun is supposed to shine all week and temperatures are moving into the 70's...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Follow the red brick path


Another one.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day 2014...41º

Sun peaking through this morning, looking forward to some warmer days...Yesterday started out cold, rainy and snowy at the lake...Pat and I checked out yardsales before ending up at "Arrowhead Chocolate" because it was too cold to walk...Friend Leita joined us for a short visit...From there we met up with Herb and Brian at "Joseph Hardware" for their grand opening, where they were serving free hamburgers and hot dogs...Then home where we settled in our warm house for the afternoon...Becky and Pam called with an invitation to join them for Joseph's main street "Art Walk"...So I bundled up to spend the next three hours viewing artwork, listening to music and sampling appetizers and wine...It was a fun-filled day.

Thinking of our Mom's on this day and remembering days gone by and the good times we had...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

The photo below is the only one I have scanned, with both of our Moms in it, so will have to do for now.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Yesterday morning was "Picture Perfect." We woke up to a warm soaking rain, then the clouds moved out giving way to the sun...I started my walk on the familiar road, down our hill, through town and up the hill to the Joseph School, taking snapshots along the way...A track meet was underway on the track where I planned to walk, so took another route, up E Street and made a loop back to Barton Heights...It was a lovely day until late afternoon when the wind started up and temperatures dropped.

We had an early dinner before Pat picked me up for our afternoon as volunteers, signing up people, at the first "Joseph Airport Symposium..."About 30 people attended the informational meeting on the role of small town airports and how they benefit a community...Joseph is very lucky to have a state run airport, with a runway long enough to accommodate small jets as well as room for a helicopter base for fighting forest fires.

The sourdough is bubbling away so I must get moving...It looks like the perfect day to try another batch of bread and do some yardsaling...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


The weather forecast is unsettled and unpredictable...Rain pounded down yesterday afternoon, instead of possible showers before 11am...Weekend weather is saying possible rain/snow, making it not the best weather for yard saling...People are already complaining about the rain and I'm just hoping it doesn't snow...Herb went back to Debbies yesterday where Tim loaded the truck with compost from their animal pens...It has been aging for two years so we are hoping it will be a substitute for topsoil...One can never have enough soil amendments!

Managed to get a walk in without getting too wet, before going to Enterprise for acupuncture treatments and the grocery store...Back home we had enchiladas and salad before spending the rest of the afternoon reading...Herb is now using the "Sage/Books to go system" where he can order books to come to our Joseph library or ebooks that he downloads to his iPad...That gives him a much wider selection and he is thinking that he likes reading on the lightweight iPad...Technology that even the older generation can enjoy :)...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Door Stops...36º

Started early yesterday, batch of bread mixed and rising...Herb punched it down a couple of times while I was at Write People and it was ready to pan when I got home...Strange feeling dough without its usual elasticity...The loaves rose but had huge cracks in the top, didn't brown in the oven like they should have, heavy as bricks when I took them out of the pans!..Now we have a whole set of door stops.

I have to blame it on the whole wheat that I purchased at Andy's (in College Place.)  It was labeled "hard red wheat." Herb ground it fresh yesterday, but evidently it wasn't the kind of wheat that is high in gluten that works best for bread...We will use some of the bread, but will have to share most of it with the birds and squirrels...I have the sour dough starter working again this morning and will try another batch in a few days...Raining here this morning but should clear by 11am, just in time for our walk...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Walking in the Rain...36º

Yesterday we walked the park in the rain...Lukily P had an umbrella to keep her dry as she had to docent at JC in the afternoon...I just got slightly wet and it was a good walk.

This morning I have bread mixed, soup started and will go to write people soon...Still not in the mood to do much writing so will probably just listen to what others are churning out!..Not much happening on Barton Heights...Hugs to all...OWAV:)

PS...Since you are all probably sick of seeing photos of my flowers and it is prom time for area high schools below is a photo of me at my Junior Prom in 1959 at McCall/Donnelly High School in McCall, Idaho.

Monday, May 5, 2014


I headed to the track for an early morning walk, thinking I would beat the rain...The rain predicted for yesterday didn't happen in Joseph, it was a sunny/warm/partly cloudy day...Maybe showers today?..I spent most of the morning outside but didn't seem to accomplish much...Planted a few onions...It was so nice I just puttered around until I had to fix dinner before going to the May Event at the Josephy Center.

Featured last night at the JC was the "Schlick Family," who have visited Wallowa County for many years to take part in FishTrap events...Mary Dodds Schlick, the mother, was unable to attend but was represented by her daughter Katherine Schlick Noe and her son Joe "singer and songwriter." We enjoyed music, a video and readings from books written by both Mary and Katherine...Baskets from Mary Schlick's collection will be on display at the JC as the May exhibit...An enjoyable event on a rare warm May evening in Joseph...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Our walk at the park yesterday morning was invigorating and fun...Out in the cool morning air we were done in record time and on our way for a morning of yard saling...Yard sales were less than we had hoped, but after our successful day on Saturday we weren't too disappointed...We wandered the kids artshow, amazed at the talent displayed there by children in grades 1-12.

The day was a little too cool for sitting on the deck, so I worked at deadheading daffodils and pulling the hundreds of maple tree seeds that have sprouted...We had a little rain overnight and expect more today...Right now the sun is out, saying come outside while it is nice!!!Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Photos from yesterday...

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Big yardsale at 7am yesterday...I bought a Delonghi heater for $5.00 and assorted tupperware storage containers that I use in my pantry...We use the heater in our living room instead of turning on the oil furnace and had bought a cheaper (different brand) one at BiMart which works okay but was happy to get a deal on this one that retails for just under $100.00...Love a bargain...It was a huge sale so Pat and I went back at 9am for more shopping and finally arrived back home about noon.

The afternoon flew by as Herb and I cleaned up the heater, downloaded directions from the internet and HE figured out how to program the automatic timer and thermostat...Also gave the tupperware a good cleaning...Almost forgot I got 3 lids for the big tupperware bowls that I have bought at other sales (they were minus lids...)Now we are well stocked with tupperware at bargain prices...I wimped our on walking yesterday as by the time we were ready to walk it was way too hot for me...I made baking powder biscuits and beef shank gravy for dinner.

Our walk this morning is planned for 9am, then yardsale and a visit to the Childrens Art Show at the Joseph Community Center...I suppose after that I better stay home...It is cloudy today and cooler...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

More asparagus from Walla Walla, YUMMY.

Friday, May 2, 2014


Early morning yesterday found H and I outside again cleaning the rest of the ditch and hauling manure to the garden...I pruned the grape vines before a quick breakfast, shower and was ready for our daily walk at 9:30.

Pat and I walked the taxi way yesterday, moving over when the Joseph flying club plane came in for a landing...From there we visited with a mutual friend who lives up Hurricane Creek...Cindy gave us a tour of their cabin that started out as a vacation spot for family and friends but has now turned into their permanent home...It is built high above Hurricane Creek on a little knoll...The daily sunshine is limited so they have built raised beds, surrounded them with a deer fence, in the most sunny spot on the property...She shared some water cress starts, brought from California, with Pat, who then planted them on their property along a small meandering irrigation ditch.

Back home to the smell of roasting beef shank reminded me that I must get dinner ready...I spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing on the deck...Unusual for May 1st here in Wallowa County...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Perfect Spring Day...43º

Mild temperatures, blue skies, dandelions bursting into bloom and quail scurrying around our property, scouting out places for nests...Early morning found Herb and I cleaning leaves from the irrigation ditch...It is a tedious job, made easier when two people work at it...The leaves were piled on our vegetable garden for a layer of mulch and later grass clippings were added...This morning I will throw llama manure on top...This is a form of "lasagna gardening" where the layers will compost over the summer and this fall we will plant garlic for next years harvest.

I left Herb to finish the ditch and mow the lawn while I met Pat for our morning walk, again at Iwetemlaykin Park...After our walk on this spectacular day it was back home to start dinner and spend the rest of the day soaking up rays on the deck...It looks like more of the same today as well as a trip to a greenhouse where Pat has a certificate to spend.

I'm thinking I should feel a bit guilty for hours spent sitting, basking in the sun and savoring the view but I think not...There are two few of these days to enjoy and I must take advantage of them!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)