Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring Outing...46º

Spending time in the Imnaha River Canyon has become a spring time ritual...Janies cabin on Big Sheep Creek and Pam's River House on the Imnaha River are shared with our Write People for a day of reading, writing, eating and visiting...The canyons are green and lush, fresh from spring rains...Flowering trees and bushes in full bloom, fill the air with their fragrance...Yesterday found us at The River House.

Pam welcomes us with the river in the background.

Their newest project "A Sauna"

 In the orchard

It is hard to take it all in as we tour the lovely grounds, Pams garden and the orchard...All of this surrounded by a rock wall that Pam and Skip have built over the years.

Rimrocks above the river


Planter on the deck

It was a little cooler than we had expected so we opted for the warmth of the cabin, away from the roar of the river to read and discuss our stories...At lunch time we moved outside to the deck for food and conversation...The hours flew by and in no time at all we grudgingly gathered our belongings, said our goodbyes and made our way out of the canyon and back on top to Joseph...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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