Monday, July 14, 2014

Thunder Boomers...60º

Thunder rumbling off in the distance, a sprinkle of rain, then that loud clap that brought me straight out of bed...Windows open, fans on full speed...In my groggy state I navigated the stairway to turn off the fans and close the west windows...Two hours later the storm has passed leaving the air smelling fresh, cool breezes blowing...The forecast says sunny and 87º today.

An unusual hot spell has Wallowa "Countyians" complaining about the heat, heading to Wallowa Lake in droves or like Herb and I, staying home and enjoying this brief interlude...Often old timers are quoted as saying, "Wallowa County has two seasons, Winter and July." Our old house is two stories, well insulated and has a deck with built in shade trees, so most of the time we manage to stay cool in July and warm in winter...It is supposed to remain hot through this week so we will continue to works at our chores in the morning, watering, weeding and deadheading, then relax for the afternoon and evening...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

New steps onto the deck.

Cabbage plants covered with netting.

Garlic almost ready to dig.

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