Friday, September 5, 2014


Pulling the community together or the "Great Divide"...Will Roundy and Leah Svendsen Johnson opened at the Josephy Center last night...Will and Leah both were born and grew up in Wallowa County, live here now and own businesses on main street in Joseph...They were born in a rodeo/farming/logging community, now designated as an arts and culture district...How do the two mix?..Sometimes with great difficulty.

Will and Leah, talented artists, put on a great show last night...A mix of people; friends, relatives, locals, newbies, ranchers, and artist all gathered at the Josephy Center (melting pot?) to honor them and view their work...With food/spirits/art, people visited, mingled, laughed and discussed.

I guess you could call me an "inbetweener" (new word) not a local but not a newby either...I'm usually a peace maker, I dislike distention, petty grievances, pot stirrers and "I'm better than you attitudes."As well as remarks such as "Well we did it this way where I come from" or "Well we've always done it this way." Maybe, just maybe if we all worked at being a little more open minded, looked for the good in all people and forgot about "ourselves" and our "own agendas", Wallowa County and The World would be a better place to live...last night was a step, may we make more foot prints on this path to "Community."...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...The Write People provided flowers and food for the occasion.

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