Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Concert...33º

Many talented people from Wallowa County entertained a full house, gathered at the Josephy Center last night...Hours and hours of practice led up to this concert...People, young and old alike played instruments, sang from their hearts...Food and drink was furnished for friends and families to enjoy while visiting on this "winter solstice."An evening to sit back relax and enjoy...Many children on stage had been taught how to behave in public and had spent many hours learning to sit still and be quiet, waiting to perform. (unlike some of the audience)

Pam and I found seats in the balcony, looking through the railing, we could hear and see all of the action...It was standing room only, people were in the holiday mood, most everyone conscious of their neighbor, all prepared for a lovely evening...Funny how two families with two children can be so inconsiderate of a room full of people...Continual talking, squirming, parents threatening (but never carrying out the threats...)A grandmother who obviously was sure that everyone thought her granddaughter was adorable, as she did, no matter how obnoxious she became...Another child moved to sit on the floor in front of us (which was fine) until she decided she needed a chair...Then she did everything but sit in the chair as she waved a glass of something around, intertwined herself on the railing, stood on the chair, while her parents ignored the display...Thankfully they all left, shortly after intermission...We didn't let it spoil our evening but it did put a damper on it.

Now looking on the bright side, today is going to have about a minute and a half more daylight than yesterday and right now we have snowflakes in the air...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Our view before the concert started.


And more food.

1 comment:

  1. Intertaining? Is that when it is fun on the inside? =)
