I started Looking for part time work outside the home, my only experience was as a sales clerk in a drug store and of course I was a licensed beautician in Idaho...Beauty shop work really didn't appeal to me and I certainly wasn't prepared to take state boards in Oregon to get another license... I asked at Dummers Drug, but he had a long time employee, and said he would keep me in mind...I started doing the occasional haircut and perm at home for neighbors and friends...I kept hearing from women about seasonal work in the potato fields around the Joseph area...Growing seed potatoes was a new venture in the county, with at least 4 area farmers trying their hand at it...Since I had grown up on a farm, knew all about hard, dirty work, and had when still a teenager worked, cutting seed potatoes, for a potato farmer in McCall, Idaho, maybe I should pursue this...Another possibility, I heard about from a Forest Service wife, Monet, was substituting in the school lunch room and also my neighbor, Jane, worked at the Joseph Library, and asked if I would be interesting in substitute work there?..
In the fall of '74, I got a call from Laura (FS wife) that Kisers were hiring a crew to work on the potato digger, was I interested?...If the fall weather stayed warm as usual, we would need few clothes or if the weather turned cold, then lots of clothes, in layers, would be needed...Hats, gloves, boots and goggles would be a must...The job would last about two months, no days off unless it rained or the equipment broke down...Work started at 8am, breaks, morning and afternoon, so bring a snack and water...They furnished a hot meal at noon and we would finish the day, somewhere around 6pm.
Herb didn't have a problem with me working outside the home, as some men did in those days and I doubt that I discussed it with the kids, other than to let them know that I wouldn't be home after school and that they were expected to come straight home, as usual, do their chores and homework, set the table and Dad would be home at 5pm from his job...I should be home shortly thereafter, and life would go on as normal...Little did I know...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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