April in Joseph is usually cold/rainy/snowy/windy but this spring (I can say we really have spring) so far, it has been warm/sunny/gorgeous...Daffodills burst into bloom overnight, along with windflowers and "starry twinkles."...Our two apricot trees are in full bloom with apple trees in bud and lilacs leafing out...Days so warm, that I have been sitting on the deck (shade from the tree trunks, no leaves yet,) taking in our amazing view and soaking up some vitamin D.
Yesterday Herb reduced the size of our rhubarb plants, digging out gigantic roots that started growing some 25 years ago...I trimmed and separated them to share with anyone who would like their own start...They are prolific and are the source of many rhubarb pies and other desserts...From there I moved on to the black currant bush, thinnning it out as it has become impossible to pick these yummy berries for jelly...I suppose the robins will have a heyday as they sneak in for their share...Then I spent about an hour trimming dead stems off of the lavendar plants and anything else with stems leftover from winter.
Right now 6am we have another incredible sunrise out our East window...Life is good, feeling blessed...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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