Things to do when a real winter surrounds you; Sort the file cabinet, edit and cleanup your password book, reduce photo collection to half, clean closets, cupboards, deep clean or even surface clean, get serious about editing and organizing my memoir chapters and continue to write a daily blog...All of these things need to be done in our house!..But what have I been doing?...Reading, reading books on line, reading books from my stash, reading books loaned to me by friends...These books range from healthy eating, cookbooks, novels, memoirs and mysteries...It doesn't matter, I just love to read!
I made no new years resolutions because I never follow through on them and all of the things listed above can be done or at least started sometime this year, either doing a through job or doing just enough to make it through another month or year...Except for one thing, daily blogging...Did I get burned out on daily writing or did I think that people were getting tired of hearing about what we had for dinner, that my latest batch of bread (door stops) wasn't up to my usual standards, or we shoveled snow for the umpteenth time over the last 3 days and that the weather has been miserable and cold?
So I've come to the conclusion that for the past 5 years (when I started blogging) that I write my blog mainly for me and hope that other people read and enjoy it on occasion...I realized this when just yesterday I tried to remember what I did last week...I read, but what else?...Well, nothing earth shaking, just mundane, everyday stuff...But I do enjoy going back for the past 5 years and see on any given day what we did, what we had for dinner, or if we took a trip, even a weather update...So I will be more diligent about blogging, mostly a daily journal, recording our days, mundane, exciting, accomplished, resourceful, memories to look back on and store away for the record...Sometimes I will throw in a story from years gone by or do a photo story or a rant and rave, but most important, I will write....Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...Tomorrow I will write about some of the books I've read so far this year.
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