Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Scattered Showers...40º

Scattered showers/mostly cloudy has turned into cloudy with occasional showers, sun breaks, dry pavement...Not sure what the difference is but it made for a nice day yesterday...Herb has been taking a walk nearly every morning and I have started again but more sporadic...It is nice not to have the slick pavement of winter to contend with as we trudge our way up and down the Barton Heights hill, both of us using trekking poles for balance and stability.

Mid day yesterday, armed with plastic garbage bags, I started sorting an upstairs closet...(I still have some books to sort but needed to distance myself from that, so I can be more objective about what I keep on my one small bookcase)...It is amazing what one finds in an out of the way closet, everything from a stash of baby quilts (made for gift giving), worn out jeans for quilts, a huge stack of mending/altering (does anyone mend things anymore?), old sets of sheets, too worn to put on a bed, BUT they must be good for something...Quilts, comforters, blankets, Oh My...Now I have my work cut out for me, because in one short week, our "kids" will be home for spring break and the mess I made yesterday has to be cleaned up...I must refrain from stuffing it all back into the closet!..I did fill two bags to take to the thrift store today.

Our dinner yesterday was easy, leftover corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and dressing was stacked on homemade bread and grilled into a yummy Ruben sandwich...Nothing vegan about this as along side was the infamous jello salad, leftover from Sundays dinner club...It actually made a good combination and Herb remarked, "It has been a long time since we had jello salad."...Indeed it has...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Ruben Sandwich

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