Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Busy Week...40º

Easter Sunday...PB&J joined us for a late afternoon tri tip/shrimp (beef & beach) dinner along with the traditional fresh asparagus, warm bread and yummy salad followed by carrot cake...Almost forgot the deviled eggs served for appetizers.

Monday, it took me a while to get moving but knowing a wheel barrow load of "aged manure," was waiting for me (Herb doing the heavy shoveling and hauling) I side dressed the rows of garlic, now over 10 inches tall, to give them an extra boost as the spring days start to warm up...They are easy to care for, mulched with straw, few weeds can grow and with the ample rain fall we get they are now on their own until June...Ready to harvest mid July...It is too early to plant other veggies, so I spent time, layering more leaves, peat moss, manure and straw, always amending the soil for another year...In one small bed where I will plant root veggies, I carefully turned over the top three inches of soil to see if the mulching I did last fall had worked...I was pleasantly surprised to find bunches of little "red wigglers" (worms) doing their job, composting the soil, making it loose and friable...Perfect for carrots.

When he wasn't helping me, Herb was hauling wood from the back lot to the basement "woodshed," replenishing the supply to finish out spring and calculate how many cords of wood we need to buy for next winter...Such a good feeling, knowing that we are preparing for winter...And on that note, this morning we will start the yearly "turkey canning marathon," to add to our cellar shelves...Turkeys bought last November are now thawing and this morning H will saw them in half and I will start boning and chunking (my own word) the meat to put in jars and then into the pressure cooker...A skill learned from my mother, when I was in my 50's, she in her 80's...This will keep us busy for the rest of the week, along with our other activities...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

side dressed garlic

Almost 200 plants

Straw bed for growing potatoes

A new bed for radishes and lettuces'..

That friable soil for carrots, beets ???

1 comment:

  1. You all do alot of mulching and soil prep. Must talk to you about this a little more. I believe I need a few pointers☺
