I have some catching up to do, starting Monday, I opted to go to water therapy, so I could spend Tuesday having more fun...Tuesday morning I made a huge salad, met two of my fellow writers at the Joseph parking lot and from there we traveled 30 miles east to Imnaha and warmer weather...We basked in the sun by Big Sheep Crik (that's what the locals call it), reading, talking, laughing and just plain relaxing, before moving inside to eat our lunches and reminisce about other years spent at Janie's cabin.
Four hours later I was back home getting ready to attend our first "Garden Club" meeting for this year...Fifteen old/new members showed up to plan our summer of visiting gardens, listening to guest speakers, but mostly exchanging ideas and plants as we change and improve our own gardens...This group really generated excitement for the coming summer and took me up on the offer of Grape Hyacinth bulbs, followed me home to get bulbs and viewed our Barton Heights garden...It was a fun day.
Wednesday and Thursday was sunny and warm....Herb finished moving our winters wood into our basement wood shed and I got most of the vegetable garden planted, deadheaded daffodils and planted 8 new Oriental Poppies, that might bloom this summer...Not sure how everything will fare this latest bout of weather...It snowed and rained yesterday and last nights 28º, spread a thick layer of frost over the ground and onto the blooming plum and apple trees...😢 All next week is predicted to be cold/rainy/snowy with highs in the 50's, although the sun is out and brilliant right now.
Herb and I made a trip to Lewiston/Clarkston to Costco yesterday, rain most of the day, but luckily no rock/mud slides to hinder our travels...Looks like this coming week will be spent inside catching up on cooking and housework...UGH...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...Exciting news from Portland this morning, as Cienna continues to amaze us with her talents...Follow this link to Bobi's blog. http://bobbi-writingonthewall.blogspot.com
Pasque flower gone to seed.