Monday, May 22, 2017

Last weeks photos...40º

Finally some nice weather, typical spring, hot for a couple of days, then back to cool and wet...Herb is working at staining our deck, a semi annual job and I'm slowly getting the vegetable garden planted...Have all the plants in pots to put on the deck and front porch, now hoping that we don't get a hard frost...Fruit trees are finishing their bloom, time will tell if we get any fruit this summer.

Went to the annual Hootenanny yesterday (music and pies), good crowd and lots of delicious pies to sample...Will finish up water therapy this week, then off until Oct...A potluck with all 3 groups, about 30 people on Wed. then Thurs. our group will have lunch out at a local cafe...Nice way to end the season...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Trollius (globe flower)

Blooming plum tree


Fern Peony

Last of the tulips

Hootenanny pies

And more pies


  1. What kind of pie did you take?

  2. My usual rhubarb custard, but this year I added a few huckleberries on top...Not a winner, but all the pieces got eaten...:)
