Yesterday was the big day...We invited Richard, John and Becky (darn, B was in San Diego on business) and Pam to join us...Herb took over BBQing the ribs and I in my mind was thinking "huckleberry" margaritas, bbq sauce, dressing, jam and pie...I finally got realistic and concentrated on the pie...All was going well, cole slaw made, veggies ready for roasting, appetizer tray ready, rolls raising and pie, with timer set, was in the oven.
I sat down to take a break and decided to book reservations for a cabin in McCall for our upcoming 2nd annual "Girls Hot Springs Trip." It soon became much more complicated than I anticipated...First I had to become a member of Airbnb, but they wanted a photo copy of my drivers license, and a photo of myself, upload them and make sure the new photo was a good enough likeness to match the ID photo and on and ON...About that time I detected the smell coming from the kitchen of the pie bubbling over in the oven, didn't give it much thought until I realized that I was looking through a smoky haze at the computer screen...I abandoned the computer, opened doors and windows, turned off the oven and peeked in...Half of the pie was merrily cooking away on the bottom of the oven and the top of the pie was quite brown...Evidently in my concentration mode to book the trip, I didn't hear the timer go off.
Luckily I had time enough to cool down the oven, cover it with wet towels before using a putty knife to scrape the "pie filling" into the garbage...It had to be somewhat clean because I still had to roast veggies and bake the rolls...OH MY!
All turned out well, the guests arrived, I had a couple glasses of wine, everything got sort of surreal, the ribs were delicious, I enjoyed the evening and think everyone else did as well... Miracle of all miracles, the huckleberry pie smothered with ice cream, didn't taste burned...Hugs To All...OWAV:) PS...The trip is booked!
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