With a busy day ahead, we were all up early, not moving very fast, but up and ready for more "soaking."...We decided on leftover soup and brownies for breakfast, instead of going out to eat...We made snack bags for the four of us for lunch...Swimsuits worn under our clothes, we were on the road before 9am, ready for the trip to
Burgdorf. (click on the link)
The paved "Warren Wagon Road" hugs the North/West side of Payette Lake all the way to North Beach (the head of Payette Lake.) Upscale homes and vacation Cabins line both sides of the road, everyone looking for a view or room for a boat dock...McCall started out as a Mill town, morphed into a tourist destination for boating, fishing, water skiing and later when Brundage was built in the early 60's, it became a winter ski area...Now tourist season is year round and the small town of McCall, where I grew up is no more!..I actually grew up on a ranch/farm in Lake Fork, 6 miles down the road, 3 miles off the main road that is now called "Jughandle Estates," filled with upscale homes, built on the land, where we rode horses and tractors, where my parents tried to eke out a living.
Burgdorf is about 40 miles from McCall on a paved road except for the last 2 miles...Again we traveled in single tracks, 4 to 6" of snow covering the road...We arrived just after the resort opened for soaking...Only a few heads were visible in the fog/steam, temperature just above freezing...The two changing rooms, Mens/Ladies are heated with small wood stoves, no stalls, just hooks on the walls and baskets to stash your clothes/shoes...Out houses are "out back."...Thankfully it is a short walk to the steps into the pool where, I could stand flat footed in the 100º water, up to my chin..The pool is large with 2 small very hot soaking tubs at one end, (none of us ventured into them.) Noodles and other floating devices are available, so we floated/bobbed our way around the pool, visited and relaxed until noon, when the pool started to fill up fast with people who seemed ready to party...It had been a wonderful soak...(It is difficult to keep a phone/camera handy in this kind of weather, so not many photos.)...Hugs To All...OWAV:)....Come back tomorrow for the final installment.
Another shot.
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