A basic roll dough spread out into an oblong, sprinkled with pepper flakes, dotted with small chunks of fast melting cheeses and sautéed garlic chunks...Roll up like you were going to make cinnamon rolls but instead of cutting, pinch all the edged together, and roll the "log" to lengthen it and then roll that into one big spiral loaf...(I opted to make two smaller loaves out of the dough).
They were beautiful going into the oven and fragrant and lovely, coming out of the oven...Since Becky was home alone this weekend, we invited her to come for the taste test...This bread was good but I really need more practice getting the cheese to melt just right and the dough was very nice but a little too sweet for my taste...It would be fun to make for an appetizer, add a bottle of red wine and friends...Probably won't take too much practice to make a loaf that disappears quickly...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...Yesterday since the weather had cooled off, we made the 2 hour drive to Lewiston, Idaho and the Costco store and dinner out...We do that about 3 times a year, doubt that we save any money but it is a change for us and we are so happy to be back home!
Pepper flakes on top, chunks of cheese and hot sausage inside.
Sesame seeds on top, cheese and garlic inside.
Pull apart and devour.
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