One more day outside, I should finish in the garden...Asparagus needs to be cut down and also the joe pye weed...One more wheelbarrow load of manure spread on the last garden bed and the asparagus, that should guarantee, new green shoots next spring...Herb has mowed/chopped umpteen bags of leaves, most have been spread but 2 bags will be saved for next spring/summer when the soil needs more amendments...Now it would be nice if we get a little wind storm, to blow the leaves off of the grass and across the road to the flowerbeds over there.
Yesterday I spent the entire day inside...The sourdough start was bubbling away, just begging to be used...I'm so thankful for my Bosch mixer as it easily mixes and knead 10 pounds of dough, I like to knead by hand but not that much...So I placate myself by letting it rise 3 times, punch it down and knead a few times, so it can raise again, before I shape it into loaves.
Several weeks ago I promised to conclude a blog that I wrote about the "Food Alliance."...Food Alliance receives food, that is about to "expire," from Safeway/Albertsons," and I volunteer for this organization... Follow this link to read that blog....
I still have mixed feelings about taking free food, when we don't really need it...The food is available to anyone, no income guidelines, they just want people to use this food, so it doesn't go to the dump!..So to help justify what I bring home, I wait at the end of the line, so other people get first choice and the food I take home has to be shared with friends...I also have been volunteering more days, for the organization, and see how much food that there is available and spread the word to get more people to come on Fridays and Mondays, from 12 to 12:30pm, at "The Place," in Joseph.
While making loaves of bread yesterday, I again made wiener wraps, Herb ate 2, I ate one and I delivered the rest, along with a few loaves of bread...Hugs To All...OWAV:)