Thursday, November 29, 2018


Yesterday was productive...Early morning I prepped everything for the lasagna and browned the ground bison and Italian sausage in the oven..While it cooked, I mixed a batch of chex mix so it could go in the oven as soon at the ground meat came out...With the oven turned down to 200º, the chex mix roasted itself and I turned my attention to the lasagna...My recipe calls for a 9x12 pan but I can never get enough layers in, or if I do it bubbles over and makes a mess in the oven...So I made two small lasagnas using my largest loaf pans, and set them on a cookie sheet in the oven to bake...It worked well, except my marinara sauce (made from roasted and frozen tomatoes) needed to be a bit thicker, as it was a little soupy...Of course I never let it stand for the required time because by the time it comes out of the oven, the smell is awesome and we are ready to eat...Herb said it was good, as he cleaned up the juice with a spoon...Most people would sop it up with garlic bread but we try to eat only "1 carb" per meal.

Herb had acupuncture in the morning, he really looks forward to that and the sun shone most of the day, a real a mood lifter, I took a short walk before dinner...Late afternoon the fog rolled in and spent the night, Oma's view is very limited this morning...Hugs To All...OWAV:

Lasagna before it went in the oven,
the little marshmallows looking things
are pieces of cheese sticks.

Roasted Chex Mix.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Dark Nights..33º

"Dark Nights," sounds like the name of a gothic novel, but in reality it is life for the next month...I usually don't do doom and gloom but late afternoons are so dark, that 4pm feels like 8pm and bedtime...I'm wondering if it will help if I put up Christmas decorations, lots of lights, then maybe the evenings won't seem so long....I'm looking for a good book to read but haven't come acrossed anything that is a mood lifter.

In LaGrande last Friday, we had Thai food, Panang Beef Curry, was my choice and it tasted very good...Yesterday I made my version and it was somewhat similar, but definitely needs more practice...I was hungry, it tasted okay...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Looks more like "Chop Suey," or worse.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Soups On...32º

I had simmered the chicken carcass overnight in the crock pot, and put the broth in the fridge for another day...Finally, yesterday, I would make chicken soup.

Early yesterday morning, I helped Herb install screening over the rain gutter on the south side of our house...Now we hope that, that will keep the leaves out and the gutter won't have to be cleaned every fall, enough climbing on ladders!

After that I was ready to start on other projects on my list...I opened the boxes of Chex cereal and packages of nuts, ready to do the annual Chex Mix, but as I looked down the list of ingredients, pretzels jumped out at me...Darn, I had forgotten the pretzels, so I shelved that for another day.

Nothing to do now but chopped celery, onions and carrots and make noodles for the chicken soup...I love making noodles and soon had two eggs mixed into flour, making the dough, that needed to rest...Perfect timing for me to go to the food alliance, I left the broth simmering to cook the veggies before adding noodles...I joined the end of the line, looking ahead to see what the day had to offer...Lucky for me, most people don't want chicken wings, so with a choice of "4 meats" I put two packages of wings in my bag, then added a pkg of wieners and a pkg of ground bison...I will use the wings on New Years Eve, wieners in wraps, later this week, when I make bread, and I think the bison will go into a company sized lasagna.

Back home I rolled out the noodle dough and used a pizza cutter to make bite sized noodles...Soon Herb and I enjoyed our "creamy chicken noodle soup."...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Noodle Soup

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Between Seasons...22º

I've really come to depend on photos to add variety to my blogs...But for some reason I forget to take photos...It was a perfect "photo op," when my plate of curry appeared on our table for lunch in LaGrande, but I had it half eaten before I remembered...It was a fun trip to LG, after haircut and lunch we browsed downtown shops, then on to BiMart where it is less crowded than other stores, opted out of Grocery outlet because of that reason...Got Pam home in time for her evening at the Brady Goss concert and me home to bed at a decent time.

Looking outside today, I think this time of year is my least favorite, in between fall colors and snow...All I see is drab and dreary and cold...Guess I better get headed to the shower, have breakfast and change my mood...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, November 23, 2018

Road Trip...33º

About 2 months ago, Pam said, "Sure I can schedule a haircut for November 23rd."...Neither of us thinking about "Black Friday!"...Actually we have never shopped Black Friday...Our shopping day, if we did it at all, was the day after Christmas...We were younger then, didn't think about road or weather reports, just got in my little Honda Accord and headed for Lewiston, where we braved the crowds looking for the 50% to 75% off signs.

Who knows what today will bring, bargains, crowds, food?...It will be a good day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Photos from previous road trips ...

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Turkey...22º

Our family has never been really fond of turkey...Even when I was a child my Mom quite often roasted a chicken or two depending on the size of the crowd...Along side that was her dressing/stuffing (cooked in its' own pan, never stuffed), covered with gravy, along with mashed potatoes, green beans, and her special dinner rolls, we didn't need huge servings of meat...The meal always ended with pumpkin pie, made with extra cream & eggs, (we lived on a farm).

I broke from these traditions when I got married...My new cookbook gave all the directions to prep and stuff a turkey, I thought that was the way a real Thanksgiving Dinner should be...I made two kinds of pie, green bean casserole and struggled to make dinner rolls...The turkey was dry, the dressing soggy...Now 57 years later, I resort to the roasted chicken, sausage dressing made with rustic bread, and a green salad...Pumpkin pie is still a staple.

One of our best turkeys, when we celebrated "Thanksmas" with our kids was this chocolate turkey, he was the centerpiece for our dinner...As the sun set that afternoon, we noticed that the turkey had softened in the sunshine, so we dipped fruit, marshmallows, pretzels, cookies in the melted chocolate and had turkey dessert!..Traditional Thanksgiving dinners are a thing of the past...Our kids are celebrating Thanksgiving at their respective homes, making memories of their own, as we send Holiday greetings from afar...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thanksgiving Turkey, pure Chocolate, from a few years ago.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sunday Games...22º

Last year we started a Sunday game day to ward off the "Winter Blahs."...Nothing fancy; simple snacks, soup, bread, quiche, chocolate, cookies, cards, games, libations, friends...All of these things bring out laughter, camaraderie, conversation and craziness...Once a month finds us looking forward to that next Sunday, when we gather around a table, just being ourselves, we rejuvenate our spirits, minds and bodies...Doesn't take much to entertain us, but it is so worthwhile.

Yesterday was one of those days, after a fun afternoon, bedtime came early and this morning I feel rested and "maybe" ready to tackle some canning jobs I've been putting off, such as making applesauce, or huckleberry jam...But first I have to work at cleaning off counters as clutter seems to be my middle name and I can never find enough space to keep everything behind doors or in drawers...Enough of my blathering, first thing on my list is to change from jammies to clothes!...Hugs to All...OWAV:)




Sunday, November 18, 2018

Autumn Days...16º

Cold nights, sunny days, have been the norm for the last week...We even took a short walk yesterday afternoon, before the sun disappeared behind the mountains...The trees have shed most of their leaves, awaiting the first big snowfall...Rumor has it, that we are in for a mild winter...Time will tell.

When we have weather like this, I seem to always be waiting for the other shoe to drop...Wallowa County is known for its crazy wind storms...I can remember a Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas time, and a February storm, that raised havoc in the County.

The following photos were taken in November 2007, it was a rainy night, with wind gusts, that ripped a shed apart in our back yard and also tore the roof off of the neighbors carport and sailed it into our pasture...For some reason it is the only one that I took photos of...I'm not usually into doom and gloom but these sunny days make me wonder what Mother Nature has in store for us this winter...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

November 11 years ago:

Looks like a bomb went off.

Another view

Neighbors roof.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Yesterday's Sunshine...33º

Cloudy with a chance of rain today, so says the weather forecast...Yesterday was a stellar fall day, sunshine, blue skies, shirt sleeve weather...I felt a little guilty enjoying our balmy day, when I got a text from our friends, Pat and Brian, who now live in Maryland...They were in the middle of a winter blizzard, schools and roads closed, freeways clogged with traffic, snow turning to freezing rain...It looks like much of the east coast was paralyzed with the storm and it is more that a month away from winter!

Now, that here on Barton Heights, we have prepared for winter as best we can, I'm having trouble doing the mundane things inside our house, that were neglected all summer...Yesterday I sorted papers, payed bills and made phone calls before water therapy...I came home to the smell of beef brisket, smothered with onions and mushrooms, simmering away in the crock pot...Pam joined us for dinner and cards, after her hike at Iwetemlaykin...We watched the sun drop behind the mountains, signaling the end of a lovely fall day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

The view from our kitchen window, it was all over in about 3 minutes.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A Day Away...22º

Following the weather forecast last week, sunshine was predicted for Monday...It looked like a perfect day for our last Costco run before the snow flies...We left about daybreak, followed the winding road down Buford and up Rattlesnake grades, met lots of empty log trucks coming into Wallowa County...We arrived at Winco, stocked up on produce, filled many bags from the bulk foods section and by 9:45 we pulled into a parking spot, close to the door, at Costco.

We opted to stay in the car and let the hoard of people scatter throughout the store, before we, each with a cart, list in hand, joined them to do our shopping...Herb always has a list with the basics, coffee, butter etc. and I stocked up on chex cereal and nuts to make our Christmas snack that we share with several families...We left Costco before noon and were soon on the road, headed home.

We usually have lunch/dinner in Lewiston but yesterday opted for lunch at the new/old Boggan's Cafe on the Grande Ronde River...A favorite place for fishermen and river rafters and Wallowa County people going to and from Idaho...It burned to the ground last year but was rebuilt on the same footprint as before...They made it more roomy in the dining area, with many windows, it is bright, cheery and clean...They are known for their milkshakes and basic menu, no frills, just good food...We both ordered the halibut fish and chips, passed on the milkshake, shared a beer instead...It was a good day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Boggan's Oasis, open and ready for business.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Della plays/Herb works...27º

After playing for four days, on a girls getaway, I came home to our house permeated/reeking with the smell of drying garlic...That is a good thing in this household...If you follow OWAV:), you will know that garlic is already planted, in our garden, to be harvested July 2019...For about 20 years, we have never been disappointed, as every spring, as soon as the snow melts, little green shoots push through the straw mulch...I think it is one of the easiest crops to grow, has many health benefits, and we still have a few friends, only because we gift them with garlic, and they reek as bad as we do.

While I was away playing, Herb took care of peeling, slicing, drying and powdering over 100 heads of garlic...Now it is stored in the pantry, waiting to go to new homes with family and friends...We have given some away, still in the heads, but most people really like the ease and keeping quality of dried...None goes to waste.

It is a beautiful, sunny fall morning...The frost finally zapped the front porch geraniums, I think all of the fall chores are done and Herb and I are being totally lazy, until I come up with another project, such as washing windows and cleaning corners (deep cleaning) or maybe a Costco run!...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Garlic, 3 feet tall in May

Just out of the ground in July

Ready to dry and powder in November

left to right,
quart+, chunky (Bobi likes to grind her own), quart
what we had left from last year,
 a cup+ 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Pancake House...24º

Saturday, our last day in McCall, we were seated at the Pancake House (click on the link), before 8am to beat the crowds...After a delicious breakfast we returned to the Cottage to pack our belongings, load the car and start the journey home...Our timing was good and we arrived at Mundo (Moon doe) for the noon opening...Submerged once again in the the 99º waters, we relaxed and reminisced about our trip, and the possibility of a 4th annual "2019 Hot Springs Getaway."...We love the little "Cottage" but should we broaden our horizons and change our destination?..Time will tell.

The weather and roads have been good for us, as Pam drives the winding road around and over Brownlee and Oxbow dams, no snow, misty rain, sunny blue skies on occasion...We stop at a campground for a break before driving 20 miles out of our way to have lunch in Halfway...It has worked well to plan mostly simple meals at the cottage, with a few restaurant meals along the way.

Coming down Sheep Crick Hill, our mountains come into view, and we are happy to return to the Wallowa Valley, that we all call home...It has been a wonderful "Getaway."...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Swim noodles are great for soaking.

Autumn Colors from the car window.

Lake Cascade, parting shot, 
again out of the car window.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Gold Fork...28º

Gold Fork Hot Springs doesn't open until noon so we had the morning to kill in McCall...We found a 2nd hand store for browsing and spent more time trying to find a way into the Museum in McCall...After driving around blocks, in the back alleys, because of building construction, we gave up and drove about 15 miles south of McCall, to Gold Fork...Since this was a Friday, few cars were in the parking lot and a new yurt has been added, making more space in the changing rooms, a definite plus...The weather was cool, misty rain and occasional sun breaks...For the best experience here, it is best to go on a Thursday or Friday and arrive just as they open...It is a popular spot for Boise people and also for people who have vacation cabins around Lake Cascade.

Gold Fork is in a natural setting, surrounded by huge boulders and 5 graduated pools of water from hot-hot to cool...I think it always pays to go more than one time to figure out the pluses and minuses of each individual Hot Springs...This one is now close to number 1.

After soaking, we drove around Lake Cascade and back to the main highway at Donnelly...We took the Farm to Market road passed Roseberry, the Finish Cemetery and a brief detour on Ashton Lane, and drove around the property where I grew up...Our 200 acre ranch is now subdivided, with many homes built, where our cattle and sheep roamed and we rode horses and tractors.

Our second soup night was delicious white bean chili and green salad...Root beer floats were enjoyed while we played Sequence, a board game, before calling it a day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Posing in front of the rock formations.

It was a good day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Burgdorf Part two

At Burgdorf, after soaking, we dried off a bit, wrapped in towels and ate our lunches inside, next to the barrel stove...Then it was time to soak again...Intermittent sun, broke through the clouds, revealing brilliant blue sky.

Interesting side note here, the dressing rooms are side by side, with one wood stove that has the front in the men's and the back in the women's dressing room, keeping both toasty warm...The outhouses are behind the dressing rooms, unheated and walkways are sometimes icy and slick, not easy to navigate...Everything is either heated by wood or propane...I can't even imagine how many cords of wood they have stockpiled.

We were on the edge of their summer/winter season...Soon the road will be closed for the winter and only accessible by snowmobiles the last 16 miles...Rustic cabins (no electric, no indoor plumbing) can be rented for an extended stay...It would be fun in the pool with snow falling.

Since we knew it would be a long day, pizza was on the menu for our second night...An extra large pizza (half chicken/half veggie) was easily consumed and we had ice cream and pie waiting at the cottage for dessert...A late night of card playing, finished the day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

PS...Sorry no goat or chicken photos, as it is really hard to keep my iphone handy when the conditions are so wet.

Rustic Burgdorf Pool with a sandy floor.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Hotsprings Getaway...31º

Our Destination.

We could have taken two cars, but it is more fun in one!..So 5 sardines in a can/car, luggage, food, coats, towels and swimsuits packed in the back end of Pam's Subaru...Heading out of Wallowa County for a Getaway in McCall, Idaho...Clear roads, misty rain, (no snow this year) winding road over Salt Creek, Ollokot, North Pine, Oxbow and Brownlee Dams to Cambridge, Idaho and lunch...We took several stretch breaks along the way.

Zims (I swam here as a child, so it is really old)

Mundo (Moon-do), just outside of Cambridge, was our first scheduled stop for an afternoon soak...Much to our dismay on Wednesday they don't open until 4pm instead of 12:00 noon...Plan B we checked out Zims in New Meadows (not nearly as nice/modern) but the pool is huge and very warm...A misty rain fell as we floated and soaked away all the kinks from our 4 hour drive before driving another half hour to our "Vacation Cottage" in McCall...We unpack the car in a cold rain, but the cottage is cozy and warm and our soup of the day is simmering on the back burner...A quick trip to the grocery store for wine, lunch fixings and ice cream to go with a special raspberry pie...Our tummies full, we spend the evening, talking, laughing and relaxing, early to bed.

Raspberry Pie, Halloween holiday.

Thursday morning, soup for breakfast, lunches packed, also suits and towels, we are on the road before 10am, headed Northwest around Payette Lake to Burgdorf, for the day...Suddenly a sign appears, road closed ahead!..What the Hell?!...Turn around, retrace our steps, passed our "Cottage" and follow the signs to East Lake street and the Northeast side of Payette Lake...The paved road soon turns into bumpy, muddy, full of pot holes dirt road...Pam navigates the road like a pro and we oooh and aaaw over the scenic drive on this little detour...Finally we arrive at Burgdorf...It looks dead and I'm really wondering if they are even open.

(Side note here...I'm the "Cruise Director" and should have somehow had all the pertinent info for this getaway, times, dates, road closures, etc.)..My fellow "soakers" are usually very forgiving but I breathed a sigh of relief when the door pushed open and warmth from the barrel stove, greeted us...Plus side to the road closure and a Thursday, we had the pool all to ourselves, for the afternoon!..Except, this year the resident animals seem to have full run of the property...First 13 chickens joined us poolside, clucking, scratching and pooping...Then came 6 mama goats and 2 stinky Billy's, bleating and pooping...We think there are some sanitation issues here!...Continued tomorrow....Hugs To All...OWAV:)