Saturday, November 10, 2018

Della plays/Herb works...27º

After playing for four days, on a girls getaway, I came home to our house permeated/reeking with the smell of drying garlic...That is a good thing in this household...If you follow OWAV:), you will know that garlic is already planted, in our garden, to be harvested July 2019...For about 20 years, we have never been disappointed, as every spring, as soon as the snow melts, little green shoots push through the straw mulch...I think it is one of the easiest crops to grow, has many health benefits, and we still have a few friends, only because we gift them with garlic, and they reek as bad as we do.

While I was away playing, Herb took care of peeling, slicing, drying and powdering over 100 heads of garlic...Now it is stored in the pantry, waiting to go to new homes with family and friends...We have given some away, still in the heads, but most people really like the ease and keeping quality of dried...None goes to waste.

It is a beautiful, sunny fall morning...The frost finally zapped the front porch geraniums, I think all of the fall chores are done and Herb and I are being totally lazy, until I come up with another project, such as washing windows and cleaning corners (deep cleaning) or maybe a Costco run!...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Garlic, 3 feet tall in May

Just out of the ground in July

Ready to dry and powder in November

left to right,
quart+, chunky (Bobi likes to grind her own), quart
what we had left from last year,
 a cup+ 

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