Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Carrot Crop...27º

Last summers carrot crop was plentiful...I dug at least half of the bed in Oct. scrubbed them clean, stored them in 3 gallon ziplock bags (lined with paper towels) in the basement fridge...We have enjoyed them all winter...I covered the remaining carrots with two bales of straw and left them for the winter...Now still covered with several inches of snow, Rusty (home for a few days), moved a bale and found lovely carrots waiting to be dug...This is our winter/spring bounty, he left some in the ground for me to dig, when the snow melts...Hugs To All...OWAV:)


  1. Were they as sweet as GBs? =) And the gophers left them alone!

  2. Not sure they are as sweet as GBs...But still mighty tasty and Russ said he didn't see any sign of gophers. :)
