Sunday, September 8, 2019

Gloomy, Wet Day...55º

Looks like we have a week of rainy, cooler weather for the next week...Fall is in the air and we need rain...I hope it is a nice gentle, soaking rain, not the short, downpours that we had the last two days...Of course we will take what we get and make the best of it.

Yesterday, we took advantage of the warm, sunny day, Herb continued on his quest to cut down the spent perennials, caught up on the laundry, and picked the remaining gravenstein apples...I enjoy the process of cleaning, trimming and sorting our garlic harvest, that has been hanging to dry since early August...Sitting under the aspen trees on the deck, the 160 garlic plants took me all afternoon and are now ready to be shared or peeled, sliced, dried and pulverized into dry powder, to be used all winter and also shared with friends and relatives...Garlic is easy to grow, very dependable, (never had a failure) and brings joy to many.

Taking a break from cleaning garlic, I managed to make a fresh apple pie and fix dinner...Today with the rather gloomy day, fresh baked bread will warm the house and fill the house with that wonderful smell of  bread straight from the oven...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Before trimming and cleaning.


Rustic apple pie, (it was yummy)

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