Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Unusual September Weather...30º

A common saying in Wallowa County about our weather and seasons of the year is, "We have winter and July."...I think it came very close to that this year, spring was middling, summer was iffy and fall ended Sept. 27th, with maybe 2" of heavy wet snow overnight, that left everything drooping and snow showers that lasted for 5 more days...Maybe today Oct. 2, we will have sunshine and the temperature could reach a "balmy 51º."..We are optimistic folks and think Indian Summer is still possible.

It was a push to get the potatoes harvested and garlic planted before it snowed...We had offers of help, but being stubborn and determined, we dressed warm, encouraged each other and voilà, we made it happen!..We have potatoes for winter in the cellar and 9 new rows of garlic in the ground, for next years harvest...There is  more fall cleanup to be done, one day at a time.

Health wise we are both feeling better, Herb has most of the fall deadheading done, irrigation stuff all put away, the garlic is drying, (our house is very odoriferous), and my knee finally feels like it is healing, after two months of physical therapy and trying not to overdo, but still fill the cellar shelves for winter...We are snug and warm in our house and as ready for winter as possible...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Before the storm:

Fall Grasses

Fall Crocus


Black Eyed Susans.

Some of our Potatoes

The last bouquet of Sunflowers.
After the storm, bleak Sept.days.

Cold and damp.

Huge snow flakes falling.

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