Herb and I did get the potatoes "planted" yesterday...The seed potatoes are now nestled in straw, covered with more straw, then a layer of well aged manure...Watered for about two hours and soaked again by last nights storm...That should get them off to a good start!
Potato bed.
It stayed warm and muggy most of the day, so I puttered outside in the shady spots, digging weeds and deadheading the last of the daffodils...Blooms are popping out all over, lilacs, trolius, dames rocket, alium, columbine and even a couple of irises.
Todays bouquet
We have an "overflow" garden acrossed the road from our house, when I put all the extra plants and some very prolific plants...It is just coming into full bloom.
Rhubarb blooming.
Rhubarb plant for pies.