We left our house about 9am, did errands on the way and arrived at 10am at Safeway...My iPhone was loaded with the grocery list and Herb was in charge of pushing the cart...The crowd was small, so we could take our time, filling bags with produce, checking off the list and I even did the barcode scan with the phone and it worked!...Back home and unloaded, everything put away, we were exhausted, but felt good with what we had accomplished.
Dinner was easy with lots of fresh greens, sliced chicken breast on homemade bread, covered with gravy...Uhhh, think we've had enough "bread and gravy" for several days...Maybe salad for dinner today...:)
Since my tulip and daffodil bouquets were dying on the coffee table, I braved the wet outside, looking for a few blooms...Red tulips and golden trollius (globe flowers) made a nice little bouquet for us to enjoy, until the lilacs come into full bloom...Sun is shining this morning, the overnight temperature was above freezing, the garden is calling...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Golden Trollius and red Tulips.
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