Since my last post, Herbs iPad totally crashed, new one ordered and should be here mid next week...In the meantime he is having fun playing solitaire on "my iPhone"...I've loaded the new operating system "Catalina" on my Mac Air, so have been dealing with the changes that, that brings...Plus the Scrabble game that I have played with several other friends for many years, is no more and they have come up with a glitzy, crazy replacement...Not wild about that...We have resorted to another "scrabble like game" called Lexulous, that is more like the old scrabble...We are now in the second phase of Covid-19, and to top it off, our world is in a Helluva Mess!!!
All I can do to keep what sanity I have left, is to concentrate on what I can change, control or fix and keep our daily lives on an even keel and keep a positive outlook, about the future...The garden is finally planted, watered, and fertilized, most things are through the ground and we are eating onions and asparagus from the garden...Herb is keeping our irrigation system running, doing laundry, and tending to the animals, a goat, 2 lambs, and a llama, that arrived this week...We mostly enjoy their antics, they bring laughter and joy into our life.
Last week we had dental appointments and while in Enterprise, did our weekly grocery shopping...Have I mentioned that not only has Safeway been on Covid-19 restrictions, it is also doing a "scheduled" total remodel of the entire store!,,Aisles are being realigned, vinyl ripped off of the floors and floors sanded smooth, one corner totally blocked off, that might become a deli or a bakery, no one is really sure..We were very glad to get back home.
Here on the home front, I have the front porch ready, with its summer look (photos to follow), some windows washed and outside new blooms appear everyday...It is peaceful here...Hugs To All....OWAV:)