Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A Full Day of Rain...44º cloudy/sunny

The rain seldom stopped yesterday, sometimes it was torrential, sometimes gentle but steady, but always coming down...Pretty much did away with the poppy blooms and laid the peonies flat on the ground...I braved the storm, late afternoon to rescue another big bouquet of peonies and had to hang them upside down to drip dry before filling the vase...The good thing about the rain, it was just in time to give the pasture and lawns a good soaking, won't have to irrigate for a few days...The sun is peaking through this morning, everything is sparkling clean and many shades of green.

Yesterday should have been a good day to bake, make soup, clean etc...But I managed to do none of the above...I guess it could be called a recoup day.

On Sunday I had harvested most of the garlic scapes and put in a call to "The Dog Spot," (a local cafe) to ask if he wanted them again this year...We connected yesterday and I came home with a huge serving of his "Mac and Cheese." for our dinner...It made a great addition to our finger steaks and fresh asparagus for dinner, all very yummy...I like bartering for food. 😀...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Just out of the oven.

Ready to eat

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