Monday, September 7, 2020

Blame it on my Parents...45º

Holidays meant nothing, when I was growing up...Cows still had to be milked, other animals fed, watered and generally taken care of...Crops either planted, watered or harvested...Christmas was our most celebrated holiday...A family vacation never happened...Occasionally a picnic on the 4th of July, close to home but like I said, "The cows had to be milked, twice a day, no matter what."..It wasn't a bad life we had a warm house, good food and an abundance of love...On any given day we never had to worry about what we would do.

Not sure where I was going with this except, working was a way of life with my parents and they instilled that in their children...All of us have had an easier life, none of us took up farming, so no cows to milk...We had jobs that came with built in Holidays, we traveled by car, bus, train and plane...Visited lots of different states and some foreign countries, but we all worked to put food on the table, improve our living conditions and keep some of the basic life skills alive...Such as baking, canning, sewing, and gardening.

Which brings me back to tomatoes, UGH...A new job was added to the mix, when Rusty found a way to send home the turkey meat that we were supposed to get last March over spring break, but COVID changed those plans...I was gaining on the tomatoes, until I got the final delivery from Imnaha, another 20 pounds of tomatoes arrived, just after the two big boxes of frozen turkey from Bend...So for the past week, I wake up every morning knowing exactly what I will be doing!..To be continued...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

PS, not much time for photos, patty pans are finally coming on and in a new shade of green/yellow...They taste the same.

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