The weather turned ugly yesterday, wind gusts that rattled the windows and shook the house, then it poured rain, instead of dumping 4 to 8 inches of snow that had been predicted...Most of our snow melted away and left an ugly landscape of leaves, branches and spots of bare ground...Not the snow covered, peaceful scene, reminiscent of holidays, long ago, that I posted photos of yesterday...The roads out of the county were treacherous and even Hurricane Creek road was closed for a few hours...I 84 and tollgate were both closed a good part of the day...The wind blew off and on all day and all night, with a dusting of snow.
Herb and I kept busy with our latest project, canning/jarring turkey...I decided to start out slow and only did one canner and that was enough, by the time we carried everything upstairs, sterilized jars, filled them with chunks of turkey meat and pressured them for 75 minutes, it was time for dinner...I was glad to find leftovers in the fridge.
My plan today is, blog early, then get started filling enough jars for two canners...That brings so many memories back to mind of canning days with Mom...I would drive the 50 miles to Elgin, arriving at her house about 8am and be greeted with, "It's about time you got here, I've already got one canner on the stove."..In her late 80's, she was a dynamo, when it came to canning and we usually did 3 canners a day!
I must get moving, I hear her voice in my head, don't want to be late again...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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