Thursday, December 31, 2020


To give my readers some idea of what I do most mornings before writing a blog; I’m up very early most mornings and have a routine of doing my assorted “scrabble games,” that I play with friends, or I work on a “Jigsaw Puzzle, that i do myself and maybe listen to a book, all on the internet…I do this for a couple of hours, while drinking my morning coffee and while doing these things, my mind is formulating a blog!..Now you know why, my blog is sometimes/usually rather sketchy.

On another note I’m not a big fan of New Years Resolutions, but it is that time of year and my mind just naturally leans in that direction…In other years I have, practically banned sugar from the house (that didn’t last very long), banned it from my diet, (that works until Valentines Day, rolls around), i’ve also vowed to loose just 1 pound a month, (should be easy, but I tend to go the other way), and a myriad of other things.

This year if I  make any  vows, I think at the top of the list will be “kindness,” in many forms…Be patient and kind in my own house, as well as in public, where people’s idiosyncrasies tend to drive me crazy…Smile more often, look on the bright side, be kind to the checkers at Safeway, (they are the only people I see on a regular basis)...Kindness brings love and laughter, it costs nothing, so practice it often…Hugs to All…OWAV:)

PS…B sent a text, J says we are still friends, I never doubted it for a second…:)

My latest jigsaw puzzle

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