Friday, February 5, 2021

Funky Sewing Project…34º

Finally I have something to write about besides, food and the weather…For many years i’ve made pot holders out of scrap material, to give for a small gift for birthdays, Christmas, or for no reason at all…I give them away so I can make more…They are somewhat mindless to make but do work my brain, measuring, cutting and trying to coordinate colors, but I’m more into just doing them willy, nilly because they don’t match most kitchens anyway…They are after all, just a pot holder…You use them once or twice and they are soon stained and dirty and in a few months, impossible to clean so then they can be discarded.

Just recently I saw a “fabric jelly roll” (2 1/2 inch strips of fabric) on the classified ads and I text “interested.”…The newest pot holders are very colorful and I think “funky.”..It has been fun and keeps me out of the kitchen…Hugs To All…OWAV:)

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