Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Babyhood to Teacher...31º

I'm sure most of my readers have heard me mention Cienna a few times over the years, she is our only Grandchild and we are so proud and love her very much!...A few random photos capture moments of her life...

Cienna as a baby, then a swimmer.

Learning to ride a bike.

Lover of all animals.

She learned to fly in Thailand

Came home from Thailand to find a boyfriend.

Now she is Miss Wall to 22 students.

When Cienna returned from her Rotary exchange in Thailand, she enrolled in her junior year in high school and her freshman year in college...Two years later she graduated from high school and Junior college, and now has graduated from OSU to become a full fledged elementary teacher.

 She worked the month of July, teaching/socializing 2nd graders, getting them prepared for in person learning in September...In September she started as a substitute in the Beaverton School District, teaching 3rd graders, while their "real" teacher is on maternity leave...Her lifelong dream is to teach English as a second language in foreign countries...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...I tried to get the photos in order but I have a lot to relearn, after 5 months off...😀


  1. Two days in a row!!! Whatever shall we do?? haha. love you.

  2. Pictures came through in order. Be still my heart...what a beautiful tribute and granddaughter! So great to hear your voice again!!!

    1. Thank you Eve, I'm glad to be writing again and connecting with people that I haven't seen in years or some, I have only met online! Thanks for commenting, sending hugs~Idella

  3. Delighted that the pic I took of Herb this summer made the "Test" blog ;)

  4. It looks so much like him in real life, i'm going to put it on his birthday in next years calendar...Love to you and Brian.
