I thought I would be done when I finished the sweet pickles, but I have some nice cylindrical beets still in the garden, that will make yummy pickled beets...So will put out the effort to make a few jars and once again say I'm done canning/jarring for the season...Later in the winter I will open jars of juice and packages of frozen fruit and make them into delicious jams and jellies...Most of these are shared with family and friends as gifts for birthdays, Christmas or just because they might brighten someones day.
Rusty had a good trip working with John, even thought they had some rainy weather...He always comes home tired and a bit sore, but happy that he made the trip and always looks forward to going again.
Will fall in full season, jobs need to be done every where we look...Pumps and hoses put away for the winter, lawns and pasture fertilized before the snow comes, flower gardens cut down, squash vines pulled out and mulched (they have taken over half of the garden), potatoes and carrots harvested and garlic planted for next years crop...Always looking ahead!
With cooler weather for the past week, I start looking for comfort food to fix...Spaghetti and meatballs simmered in the crockpot yesterday, and today bread will be baking and the house will smell wonderful.
Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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