I'm getting a late start on candy making this year, due to the fact, that I broke my candy thermometer last year and forgot to replace it.
Amazon to the rescue, sending a thermometer in just a few days, I set out to calibrate the temperature on the thermometer to our elevation, only to find out that the new thermometer boils water at 212º when it should test boil at about 202º...Now do I add or subtract to get the correct temp???? I'm thinking subtract the 10º to get it down to 202º, then subtracting another 8º for 4000 ft. elevation...So instead of softball at 235º, it will be about 217º ?
Rusty and I try the first batch of fondant...For some reason the temperature zooms up to 220º, quickly...We have ice water ready and I do the "Old softball test, in the ice water"...The soft ball forms...I quickly pour the boiling liquid onto the waiting marble, thinking, "It's not going to set up."
It cools quickly, Rusty starts to stir it and before we can get the fudge done, (always do a batch of fudge in the fondant pan) it is starting to set, but is very grainy...Not Good! We finish the fudge (quite soft) and I wrap the lump of fondant in plastic wrap and put in the fridge overnight.
Kneading the fondant, the next morning, it starts to relax and get creamy, not my best batch but certainly better than I thought it would be...I added mint flavoring to half and butter rum & chopped pecans to the other half and will hand dip later today...I'll write about the peanut brittle tomorrow...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
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